To my pro-growth, free-enterprise, supply-side friends. It's time to recognize that 45's tax policy doesn't encourage productive capital (K), but instead creates a preference for financial capital (c) over economic growth. @JoeBiden
My 2017 video:
To my conservative friends: I wrote this in 2017. It has unfolded before us

I’ve advised Republicans and Democrats, putting our common humanity first. We can address our differences and respect our shared love of country. Trump’s mode of leadership threatens both. You know that.
To my Christian friends: Amid all the intolerance in this world, Jesus condensed his message to this: love God, love others. All else follows.

The words below apply to more than just weddings. The things we defend should be things that make us better.

Trump is not among them.
You can follow @hussmanjp.
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