CV THREAD: Here is a threat of over 30 points with links and references about Covid19/Planedmic…when reading each point in isolation the propaganda wheel can spin the lies – but read altogether…”mathematically impossible” RT and add to the thread and let it grow awareness
T1. The developer of the PCR test has admitted they are not fit for purpose. This means they should not be used solely to inform Govt policy. There is evidence that >50% of the results can be incorrect.
T2. PCR tests are unreliable, the correlation btwn CV+ result and an infectious person is uncertain. [TGA ‘ reliability of CV tests is uncertain due to limited evidence base...evidence comes from symptomatic patients, and their role in detecting asymptomatic carriers is unclear’]
T3. A PCR CV+ test result may indicate a different bacterial or other virus – not COVID. [FDA ‘positive results…do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease.’]
T4. Aust CV tests were purchased from Chinese company Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) linked to human rights abuses. BGI subsidiary has a DNA genetics database that Australian DNA collected from the CV tests is likely added to the dragnet
T5. The UK quietly passed legislation to collect fingerprints and DNA through their CV testing as a “matter of national security”
T6. The Aust Govt rejected an FOI on the test purchase deal. Health officials have refused to release correspondence with Andrew Forrest’s private foundation that sourced 10 million CV tests from a Chinese genetics company linked to human rights abuses.
T7. Govts around the world were purchasing CV tests in 2018. The website database (shown below) updated the wording from Covid-19 Test to Medical Diagnostic Test once people found out.
T8. Uncertain about this one, but people can do their own digging:
CV tests were patented by Richard Rothschild of London in Oct 2015.
M1. Multiple peer reviewed studies show that masks do NOT protect you from viruses. Not one study can prove they work. ‘All of the cloth masks and materials had near zero efficiency at 0.3 µm, a particle size that easily penetrates into the lungs’ 
M2. The psychology of mask wearing has created a huge divide in society that may manifest well past the mandatory rule. I have not gone into any depth of the psychological effect here, but there is a lot of info out there to read.
G3: Govt refused to admit CV+ aged care patients to hospital, instead were heavily sedated or euthanised. And this is all about our safety? Makes you wonder why the govt would do this…
G4: Aust Premier Daniel Andrews wanted to further his ‘precrime’ & ‘thought-crime’ mandate – arrest people who have not committed a crime yet, like Tom Cruise's SciFi movie ‘Minority Report’. Luckily, this Omnibus Bill was amended prior to being passed
G5. VicPOL have already conducted search warrants and arrested people (pregnant lady video) for thought crime/ FB posts - and unfortunately, the Omnibus Bill kept the ability for Police to enter your home without a warrant - now enacted in the Bill passed last week.
G6. Govt around the world are building internment camps. Links for New Zealand and Canada below.
- Ontario Premier questioned about internment camps being built.
G7. There is an Aust class action where anyone affected by the Govt CV responses can add their name. Do yourself a favour and read it to better educate yourself. 
Open Letter Class Action: …
S1. The Swiss Policy Research (SWPRS) group have put together a great section on their website about CV, including ‘fun facts’, CV lethality studies, CV treatments, evidence of face masks, CV origins and useful charts: 
S2. SWPRS: “the risk of death a healthy population of school and working age is comparable to a daily car ride to work"
“80% of people develop mild or no symptoms. About 95% of all people develop only moderate symptoms and don’t require hospitalization.”
S3. There is approx. 36% increase chance of contracting CV if you have had a flu vaccine.
21.The Aust CV mortality rate (under 80yo) is 0.00047%. The chance of NOT dying from CV is 99.998%
S4. Deaths in Aust Aged Care are down about 1000 cases from 2019. Chart from news article in link:
C1. Potential CV c u r e s (Ivermectin, H C Q or Regeneron) are being pushed aside in favour of rushed vaccines. Why?
C2. There is widespread suppression of Drs or other medical staff that want to speak their truths about c u r e s etc. Most videos are deleted by usual suspects & not covered by MSM.
C3. Dr Simone Gold was fired and had her website removed after speaking out.
F1. In Aug the Vic Govt made it illegal for Drs to prescribe H C Q as a prophylactic (has been in use for 60 years). In QLD Drs are fined $13,000 or 6 mnths jail if they prescribe HCQ . Why are Govt interfering with Dr/ Patient treatment?
F2. CV virus was patented in Mar 2019 by vaccine maker Moderna – only man-made items can be patented. No natural-occurring thing can be patented. Other than a huge conflict of interest – why is no one talking about it being man-made?
F3. VIC CHO admits in Aug that CV numbers are conflated. This means he admits that a person who is registered as a CV stat – did not necessarily die from CV, they just may have had it when they died – this includes people in palliative care.
F4. A person who dies WITH CV is reported as well as people who die FROM CV. This occurs in Australia as well as other countries, like the USA.
F5. The CDC admitted in Aug that the US numbers were conflated and the ppl that actually died FROM CV was only 6% of the US reported cases.
F6. Likewise they admitted falsifying they CV numbers in the UK:
F7. Aust CV deaths, without comorbidities, is about 0.00026% of the population! Like the updated USA CDC CV death figures, Aust CV deaths is 9% of the propaganda figures!
F8. Not a single medical expert is on the Aust National CV Response Commission. However, Jane Halton is, along with massive & multiple conflicts of interest (at the minimum) and should NOT be advising the Aust Govt on CV responses!
F8 cont
a.Halton is on the ANZ board
b.Halton is on the board of Crown Resorts – several hotels were used in the quarantine fiasco. Halton also headed up the National inquiry into the hotel quarantine failures
F8 cont
c. Halton is the head of CEPI (Gates founded org. for the development of vaccines) 
d. She was a W.H.O rep. (Bill Gates is the largest donor to the WHO and has tremendous leverage with their agendas
F8 cont
e.Halton attended Gates ‘Event 201’- a tabletop exercise held in Oct 2019 that simulated the outbreak of a novel coronavirus leading to a global pandemic. These events take months and months to prepare… 
F9. The financial incentives offered by Gvt around CV are astounding – even criminal and rife for manipulation and corruption.
a.People are offered money to be tested
b.Hospitals are being paid to put patients on ventilators ($xx)
F9 cont
c. Hospitals and Aged care facilities are being paid more money to put cause of death as CV – opening up the possibility to bribe family members to allow the certificates to be altered (current such cases in class action suits now)
F9 cont
d. Hospitals and Aged care facilities are being paid money for more CV cases they report
e. Aged Care facilities are being provided with millions of dollars by the Govt. Again, opening up possibilities for bribes of family members.
F11. Andrews signed Vic up to China’s Belt & Road Initiative. Both initiatives have strong surveillance policing and will in-debt us to China for $billions allowing China to build the infrastructure here using their own people – putting Aust in debt and out of jobs.
Mk1. Marketing experiments have been conducted on Aust, where 12 messages were tested, to see which messages lead to the greatest uptake of CV vaccination. Messages designed to induce guilt, embarrassment, anger etc. Manipulation.
Mk3. CV "crisis actors" are being hired by the Aust Govt for ads to run for 12 mnths to play on the fears of ppl (predominantly minority groups), likely to push vaccinations on us. If we are to be taken out of lock-down – why do they need this?
MK4. Vic Gov advertised EOIs for ‘Authorised Officers’ to commence in Nov 2020 even though the Omnibus Bill had not passed. Why spend money unless they are sure it would pass?
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