Alright yall, here are my top movie recommendations and quick takes for some of my favorite genre of movies:

Psychological / Horror (1/?) 🦇
✨ in no particular order ✨
[1.5] I've seen many, many horror movies over the course of my life. While these are not all the movies I enjoy, they lean to be more visually appealing or modern. There are many other movies I would add to this list that I simply either didn't remember or whatever ✨
[2/?] The Platform (2019)

One of the more original concepts I've seen in a while, The Platform is quite literally "trickle down economics". How do you beat an unfair system?
[3/?] Little Joe (2019)

This is such an aesthetically pleasing film that will drive you mad with frustration. Are you ever really *you* without your frustrations?
[4/?] Midsommar (2019) 🌟

My favorite movie from this list. This movie is emotionally exhausting and eerily revitalizing. Pay close attention, and don't let your guard down for even the friendliest of faces. Seriously, a TRIP 🍄
[5/?] Hereditary (2018)

This is the only movie that has genuinely and thoroughly terrified me in a looooong time. This movie is about grief and family. Face your fears. Press play.
[6/?] Perfect Blue (1997)

Are you your avatar? Am I only my twitter? Maybe to some of you, I am. Maybe to some of you, that's all you want me to be. That's all you want to become.
[7/?] Greener Grass (2019)

If Karens had their way, this is exactly the type of world we would live in. Brace yourself.
[8/?] Candy Man (1992)

What can I say? This movie was perfectly executed. I can't believe it took me until last year to watch it.
[9/?] Sinister (2012)

The boogie man is coming, and there's nothing you can do. 😈
[10/?] ABC's of Death

This movie pulls directors from several countries and make an entertaining as hell film. Worth checking out.
[11/?] A Tale of Two Sister's (2003)

Honestly, I don't even remember what this is about 😂 I just remember being shocked as hell at the end. Need to re-watch.
[12/?] The VVitch

When fear takes over your life, there is no one to turn to but Him.
[13/?] Horse Girl (2020)

Are you really losing your mind? This movie is still very unsettling to me and my mental state. Try and keep up.
(I will add more soon, this isn't even halfway done)
[14/?] Oldboy (2003)

Vengeance is pretty fucked up. This film is an instant classic.
[15/?] John Dies at the End (2012)

Lost in to soy sauce 🎶 Another instant classic must watch mind fuck of a film
[16/?] Sorry to Bother You (2018)

Climbing the corporate ladder is the (white) American Dream. There are never any consequences to the hustle (for survival). Promise.
[17/?] Get Out (2017)

WHY haven't you watched this film? GO WATCH THIS FILM.
[18/?] Parasite (2019)

Capitalism is cruel and merciless.
Capitalism is cruel and merciless.
Capitalism is cruel and merciless.
[19/?] A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014)

Aesthetic vampire film. Go watch.
[20/?] The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017)

Don't fuck up. Don't be afraid. You put yourself in this position. Understand?
[21/?] Coraline (2009)

Bad bitches love Coraline, and Coraline loves bad bitches. If yall watch it, then tell me, do you think she ~really~ won?
[22/?] Akira

Does this count? Fuck it. This is MY movie list. Akira is a good-tier film. No cap.
LOL **GOD-tier. God damn my typos in the thread. @TwitterSupport let me edit my tweets!
[22/?] Pooka! (2018)

I didn't think anything so silly could be so heart breakingly terrible. I feel like as the movie progresses, so does the quality of the film. I can see how this is completely intentional with the depressing timeline. Well done Hulu 👏
[22/?] A Quiet Place (2018)

Who doesn't love an original concept? Hold someone's hand with love through this movie, and whatever you do- don't make a peep. We'll get through this together.
[23/?] Paprika (2006)

Dont you think dreams and the internet are similar? What even are dreams? If you've watched Black Mirror, this is like San Juniperno gone wrong, but done horribly right.
[24/?] I'm Just Fucking With You (2019)

What's the problem man? I'm just fucking with you. Don't you get the joke? I love original concepts, so I hope you "get it" too.
[25/?] Misery (1990)

Long live Misery! Don't kill her off, for the sake of Misery, we will suffer. Kathy Bates is amazing in this film. Try not to rip her hair out in frustration. You won't be able to anyways.
[26/?] Midnight Kiss (2019)

ATTENTION THE GAZE™ ⚠ If you love some good slasher horror with lots of queer folk, this movie will satisfy. Can we have more gay horror? This shit was too entertaining.
[27/?] Rosemary's Baby (1968)

In the spaces I'm in, we often talk about neighbors being an important part part of community building. Welp... *redacted* Just watch this timeless classic.
[28/?] Cabin In the Woods (2011)

1000 ways to die fused with slasher cabin horror? This movie shocked in theaters upon initial release with its beautiful and original twist *chef's kiss*
[29/?] Ingrid Goes West (2017)

People tend to be fake on social media. Especially Instagram. How can we ever be just snap shots of our own lives? Easily forgettable, easily replaceable.
[30/?] Pycho (1960)

Meet the original. The classic. The God father of Horror. Norman Bates.
[31/?] Oculus (2013)

Be warned. The inevitable is karmic poetry. Trust yourself.
[32/?] The Shrine (2010)

Cover your eyes. 🥺 This movie is disturbing.
(i feel like i didn't boost The Killing of a Sacred Deer enough, umm it is mind boggling, pls appreciate it😌)

(also, some of these movies are heavy hitters in psychological / horror, or just have extremely original plots. some movies I have included for inclusive story telling)
[33/?] Grace (2009)

You would do anything to support your long desired pregnancy. You're a good mother. Good mothers sacrifice.
(also uhhh these are horror movies, automatic content warnings on everything. I didn't make the films, I'm just telling you some of my favorites)
[34/?] Pontypool (2008)

Kill is kiss. You're infected. We need to quarantine. Quarantine. Florentine. Quiet. 🤫
[35/?] The Invitation (2016)

Worse than being invited to your friend's house to catch up after years, but it actually turning out to be an MLM scheme. Trust me.
[36/?] My Valentine (2020)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World meets Hihi Puffy Ami Yumi meets Hannah Montana. Moral of the story, ex-boyfriends suck. Love a little bit of girl power in my horror.
👁️👄👁️ okay I haven't seen this but am going to this weekend

House (1977)

Will update later 💕
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