How To Save Western Women
MEGA Thread //
-The Perfect Package-

A common complaint amongst men is that high value women are hard to find.

A high value woman is defined as a woman with strong morals and values, that doesn’t lead a promiscuous lifestyle & is in touch with her femininity.
What men need to understand is that once a woman enters her 20’s, she’s likely to have already made a series of mistakes or missteps that she may regret. She may also have had her heart broken and has an emotional wall.
The Perfect Package doesn’t exist.

“High value women aren’t born, they’re cultivated.”

Instead of looking for something that doesn’t exist, men need to look for a woman that has a strong baseline for *becoming* high value.
This means looking at her past, her decision making, her values and the vision she sees for herself in life to determine if she’s worth your investment.
-Where we are today:
Feminism/ Religion-

Women are followers innately. If we do not have a strong male leader in our lives, (father, brother, husband etc) we will seek out a path that will promise us safety.
Ideologies will serve as a substitute for a strong man if a woman doesn’t have one.

We see this play out in women who are feminists or have become highly religious.
I’m of the belief that the women with a higher baseline for becoming high value fall into the religious category, as they have recognized that immoral behavior leads to their own mental destruction. They’ve taken actionable steps to place themselves on a path of integrity.
That doesn’t mean these women don’t have a past, haven’t made mistakes and carry no baggage.

This means as a man, you have to decide if you should invest in cultivating her to become The High Value Woman you ultimately want to loyally commit to.
-Assuming responsibility to have authority-

In order to have authority, you must first assume responsibility and prove you’re competent in your responsibilities by exhibiting desirable outcomes. This mindset serves well in business, but also in relationships.
By taking ownership of your woman’s wellbeing, guiding her on a quality life path and showing her how to behave that serves HER best interests, you gain her TRUST.
Once you have her trust, you must now challenge her. Growth is painful and this is where your leadership skills will be tested.

You teach her how to be high value by leveraging her past poor choices against her.
A woman must understand the precise missteps she took, & see their consequences before the catalyst is formed to change.

She will push back on this. This will illicit negative emotions for her.
But, the biggest growth we experience comes when we’ve been mentally knocked off our high horse (where we think we know best), shown a better way, and built back up STRONGER than before.
You MUST maintain your INTEGRITY.

Integrity (doing what is right for *her*, even at the expense of the relationship) is paramount.

Wielding negative emotions solely to gain power for yourself is abuse.

Wielding negative emotions to empower HER is leading her on a better path.
This will create conflict.

But this is how boundaries and expectations are established that you must adhere to.

She must understand that you have high expectations because she has high potential.
If she trusts you, this negative experience of facing her own poor choices can actually bond her to you if she trusts you to lead her on a good path.

Once you’ve established a bond, you must continue to wield her positive AND negative emotions.

Women are loyal to emotions. If you want loyalty from a woman, affecting her emotionally is how you achieve it.

Relationships stagnate when they get too comfortable.
Once you’ve established competency in your responsibilities, have earned her implicit trust in that you look out for your collective best interest & ensure her wellbeing, you are now in a position of authority.

A woman will naturally follow your lead.

This is submission.
-Hypergamy -

Men & women are hardwired to try harder if there’s a risk of loss.

Hypergamy is a base instinct, just as a man sleeping with as many women as he can.

Just because the option is there, doesn’t mean it’s a foregone conclusion your partner will take it.
Men who doggedly pursue their mission and focus on achieving their highest professional potential lower their risk to hypergamy.

To prevent gold diggers, downplay your success or possessions. Take note if she’s materialistically driven or family driven.
If you are a man that has integrity and wants to lead, you have the ability to cultivate The Perfect Package.

Men set the standards.

If you have trash standards, then you will continue to get trash.
A man’s first standard should be that of himself. Hold yourself accountable. Set the bar high. Be worthy of a high value woman by having integrity, morals and values. Assume responsibility and the authority will come.

This is how you save western women.
You can follow @Lamb_Bytes.
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