Can you help us examine this contract list and tell us if you find something that hasn’t already been written about? We need help in both ensuring this contract dataset is the best it can be, and help in investigating it to ensure transparency and accountability.
If you want to help us ensure that the contract data is the best it can be - please read this thread about how to help us improve the data:
If you want to help investigate the contract data - researching companies and cross-referencing to other lists, exposing concern, examining fiscally reckless contracts and ensuring accountability - please read this thread:
Some contracts have not been published, had the value listed, or were published long after they were signed. Help us address this lack of transparency in tendering and reporting.
We would like to stress that inclusion in the data list does not indicate wrongdoing. By publishing all the data in one, easily searchable list, we hope to give a broad view of how public institutions have responded to the pandemic, and what they have spent our tax money on.
If you feel like there has been any impropriety in the awarding of contracts in response to the pandemic, you can complain to the government anti-corruption tsar, who happens to be the husband of Test and Trace head, Dido Harding.
Alternatively, if you want to help, please DM us and we can give you instructions about how you can help us. But, for a start, please RT this thread and spread the word, not the virus.
You can follow @allthecitizens.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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