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How it feels like to be a girl in Iran
[ a thread ]
The girl that you see in the video was beaten up and they broke her nose because her boss raped her and she protested about it. Look at the security guard, he is touching her breasts and the women in the vid are punching her in the head
When they took her to the court they told her to shut up because his boss(the1st pic) is a powerful man and he already raped other women too
The 2nd pic is the security guard who didn't stop abusing her sexually while she was half dead because why not
This is a leaked voice massage and I translated it
Just look at the way he talks to her men are not supposed to talk like that with or women in iran because of Islam
This man has wife and children
Look at her, beautiful and young isn't she?
She burned her self because she wanted to see her favourite football team match but she couldn't because women are not allowed in stadiums in iran so she pretended that she is a boy+
But they arrested her and took her to the court
She was a criminal because she wanted to see her favorite football team match.
When she burned herself the government didn't give a fuck
They said she was a psycho while she was just a normal innocent girl
Romina was a 14 yo girl she fell in love with a 35yo boy but she couldn't marry him so she decided to ran away the police caught them and took her back to her family but her father beheaded her while she was sleep with a sickle
Yeah just like that
Reyhaneh another girl was beaten up to death by her father because she came back home late
Her father left her half dead body in the desert and let her die because of bleeding too much
He could have saved her but he didn't
A father killed his little girl because he wanted to send her to heaven
Another reyhaneh
They executed her because a man was trying to rape her and when she wanted to defend herself she killed the rapist
It might be interesting for you but rapists are always welcome and safe in this country the law will always support them
He killed his wife and he confessed
That's how they treat a murderer
What's the difference between him and reyhaneh
Let me tell you
He is a MAN
Fatemeh was forced to marry her cousin in an early age, her husband used to abuse her every day so she requested for a divorce, but her family and husband beheaded her because getting a divorce is a huge shame for them she was just 19 years old...
Sara was a part of lgbt community
When she raised a lgbt flag in Egypt
They arrested her and she ran away to Canada
But she couldn't handle all the pressure and sadness any more so she committed suicide
The third pic is her last words
If you don't wear scarf just like the way the men want you to
They have every right to spray acid on your face
I'm so sorry
We have something called "gasht ershad" in this country they look around the city and they will arrest every girl because they think she didn't wear hijab completely
They will beaten them up
They will scold them
Just like this
A few days ago a brave girl removed her headscarf and rode a bicycle to fight against the forced hijab law but they arrested her
Another fight against the forced hijab law called white Wednesdays campaign
They arrested all of them who participated
She is vida movahed

Neda agha soltan was killed by Islamic republic of Iran in 2009 in the streets
Because she peacefully protested against the fraud in Iranian election
Narges was imprisoned because she fought for human rights
Interesting isn't it?
Nasrin was a lawyer
They (by they I'm every twt I mean Islamic republic of Iran)imprisoned her because she defended innocent people and fought for them and the humanity
Her daughter was taken hostage by them once too
That's how it feels like
You're not safe in your house with your family
You're not safe in the streets
You're forced to do everything they want you to do
We are so lonely
This thread contains a few examples and I apologize in advance if it was unclear for you
English is my second language
Help us please
Be our voice
A woman was forced into prostitution because she wanted to bring water and food for her children
She committed suicide after that...
Everything is Islamic republic of Iran's fault
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