Hey from Arizona! Where things are going smoothly!

A big reason:

Maricopa County (60% of AZ electorate) has 75% more ballots returned at this point than four years ago & processing is going well.

Watch this to see what the initial system once USPS drops off your ballot:
Here’s the room where officials are verifying the signature on every mail-in ballot envelope. TWO officials check each signature against one’s signature recorded in the voter registration database or other files (like DMV) if necessary. If not verified, then county calls voter— https://twitter.com/VaughnHillyard/status/1319415787807858689
And then!

Here is where one person picked by AZGOP & one person picked by AZDems manually pull out every ballot out of envelope. They work together to stack the ballots. These envelopes are saved until after the certification (& challenge period) of all ballots. https://twitter.com/VaughnHillyard/status/1319415787807858689
Then your ballot is tabulated here at your county elections department. This process, in arizona, started on Tuesday to ensure early ballots are processed by election night. This is what state legislatures in the Midwest have resisted doing & why there will be backlog post-E Day. https://twitter.com/VaughnHillyard/status/1319415787807858689
If there is a discrepancy on your ballot that the tabulator catches, then it pulls it out & these folks — picked by their political parties for this process — hand/eye analyze that ballot. https://twitter.com/vaughnhillyard/status/1319415787807858689?s=21
And finally, the data count for the tabulated ballots heads into this hard drive, where it is stored until election night. https://twitter.com/vaughnhillyard/status/1319415787807858689?s=21
You can follow @VaughnHillyard.
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