Health care workers are usually the very first witnesses of state violence throughout the world. Their caring and equally courageous efforts are brought to light once again, thanks to this report.
“We came out here dressed in T-shirts and twirling Hula-Hoops and stuff, and they started gassing us, so we came back with respirators, and they started shooting us, so we came back with vests, and they started aiming for the head
, so we started wearing helmets...👇
and now they call us terrorists. Who’s escalating this? It’s not us.” , so we started wearing helmets, and now they call us terrorists. Who’s escalating this? It’s not us.”
Mac Smiff, Portland journalist and Black organizer. A Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) investigation.
Burns from flash grenades; bone fractures and lacerated scalps, necks, and hands from batons; trauma-induced seizures, traumatic brain injury, and face and neck lacerations from tear gas canisters and rubber bullets. These are the injuries that protestors suffered at the hands 👇
of federal agents & police during protests in Portland, Oregon this summer.
"I know this because my colleagues & I at Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) witnessed fed law enforcement agents & local police officers deliberately attacking the very people they're sworn to protect"
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