I don't know why but I just love the tonal values in this #washing photo. Taken pre #fog. #Venezia #Venice
Same street. Different #POV. #Washing on a #Foggy day. #Venezia #Venice
I love the #creamy #yellow #colours in this calle and was thrilled to see matching #Washing and then I noticed that, from certain angles, it was perfectly #camouflaged! #Castello #Venezia #Venice
#White #Washing on the way to the #Vaporetto. Different days. Different #sky. #BigPants #Venezia #Venice
Recent #Washing moments. Lots of sunny drying days over the last couple of weeks. #Venezia #Venice #Castello
Had a fantastic walk around my local area the other day. #Washing #Colours #Shapes #Castello #Arsenalotti #Venezia #Venice
Not all washing is up high in the sky. Some #washing is hidden down alleyways. #Castello #Arsenalotti #Venezia #Venice
Thrilled to find this new corner on #SanPietroDiCastello #Washing #Venezia #Venice
Good spot for drying #washing, even in #December. Please note, no #FatherChristmas was hurt in the taking of these #washing photos. #SantaClaus #BabboNatale #Venezia #Venice #Castello
#Camouflaged #washing on #Burano. The relationship between building and belongings on this island is utterly mesmerising. #Venezia #Venice #NorthernLagoon
Be still my beating heart. #Colours of extraordinary harmony on #Burano. Also a bit of #white #washing. Lovely. #Venezia #Venice #NorthernLagoon
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