Not too long ago I dropped a information packed thread on mushrooms 🍄

I spent some time analyzing the geometry used by fungi in their mushroom blueprints

And I am excited to share more about this unique Torus geometry

Let’s go! 👇🏻
The shape of the torus is commonplace in nature 🌍

It is a fractal building block of the Universe found in places as large as Earths magnetic field

Or in something tiny like an apple, mushroom cap or glans penis
🍩 🍆
According the the documentary - Thrive

“The energy of a Torus flows in through one end, circulates through the centre and exits out the other side

It’s balanced, self-regulating & always whole

It’s the form that the flow of energy takes at every scale of existence”
There is also an underlying structure that helps stabilize this energetic flow

Think of it like a skeleton or a buildings frame

It’s known as the Vector Equilibrium
There are even clues passed down from antiquity that our ancestors understood this energetic phenomenon

Evidence exists at the Osirian Temple in Egypt

Inside the temple is a “drawing” that has been permanently added to the structure using an unknown method
The image is “The Flower of Life”

A symbol found all over the world but typically only seen in its 2-D form
This 64-Tetrahedron Crystal can be found in the Mayan calendar, The Cabalistic Tree of Life & The I Ching

I recommend heading to 

And checking out the document by @FosterGamble if you want to learn more
God does not speak with words, instead symbolism is the language of the Universe

Below is a microscopic cross-section of DNA

Although unobservable before the invention of microscopes, many cultures & religions utilize its shape
Another microscopic anomaly can be found at the Luxor Temple in Egypt

Ancient text displays a sperm cell coming out of the pharaohs erect penis

Pretty impressive to accurately represent the shape of a single sperm cell (mushroom shaped) without ever seeing one
How did the Egyptians come across this knowledge?

When you mix together their architectural talents, love of astronomy, story telling skills & microscope insights

It’s no surprise they also understood the Torus, 64-point tetrahedron & vector equilibrium
If fact I believe The Great Pyramid of Giza may have been an attempt to tap into this energetic principle

Nikola Tesla attempted to tap into the same free energy “ether” when he constructed the Wardenclyffe Tower

Note the shape
To enhance & tune this connection certain dimensions were used in the pyramids construction

Firstly it’s actually an 8 sided pyramid, although this is only obvious from above

To achieve this would have added dramatic architectural challenges for an already massive project
Giza is situated within a whisker of latitude 30° 1/3 of the way between the Equator & North Pole

Deliberately speaking to our planet

It’s corners are also aligned North / South / East / West although its “off” by 3/60 of a degree

Eerie precision for a project of that scale
Next lets looks at the Great Pyramids dimensions

Although damaged, the original height of the great pyramid stood 481.39ft tall
The perimeter of the pyramids base totals 3023.16ft

Which is the same ratio -> radius of a sphere to the circumference of a circle 🌎

This base : height ratio causes the external stones to climb at a angle of 52° toward the tip

Within the pyramid itself exist multiple chambers (kings & subterranean) connected via passages that ascend & descend at a angle of 26° or exactly 1/2 of the external angle used
It’s also important to note that “inches” & “feet” were not used by the Egyptians

Instead they used a measurement known as the “Royal cubit”

If you were to measure any base length of the pyramid in cubits, you get 365.242 cubits

Equivalent to days in a year
Remember the latitude I mentioned before? It’s not quite 30°

In reality Giza is at latitude 29.97416777°

The speed of light is 299 792 458m/s

Or an error rate of 0.01693% between the two

The Egyptian worship of the Sun, Ra, energy, & light can not be overstated or overlooked
As above so below.

I am of the belief that we live within an energy charged ether and we have much to learn

It would appear ancient cultures may have been further along their understanding

Which begs the question, has any information been surprised along the way?
I’m going to stop here for now but there is much more to be explored. Including the electric universe!

If we can learn to speak the language of the universe then there is more than enough energy to go around

Thank you for reading. Please let me know if I have missed anything.
You can follow @JerichoJudson.
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