I'm one of those who frets that the election will be much closer than the polls indicate. That in a world where non-voters are never targeted by Dems, huge turnout could contain multitudes. So I'm dropping some old footage of Joe Biden here:
I’m hoping you'll share it. A campaign only has limited value in gathering votes. The case for a candidate is often made by a wide array of outside amateur and professional creators. So it's a good to sprinkle this stuff around. https://vimeo.com/470534331 
We did this in Obama '08 and kind of perfected it for Bernie 2016. More often than not, these are the pieces that inspire, and that you remember -- shared from voices you trust. I'd encourage the @DNC to look in their servers. All kinds of stuff kicking around in there.
Okay that's it. Stay safe out there, wear a mask, and try not to shame any potential voters if you can help it.
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