#Neoliberal deregulation & pure free-market #greed caused the 2008 financial crash, leading to a decade of #austerity which left Britain vulnerable to #COVID19.

Yet since 2009, Britain's richest 1,000 people INCREASED their wealth by nearly ÂŁ500 BILLION.

British cities (home to 55% of the population) shouldered 74% of the #austerity cuts, even though care costs have increased year on year, & 99.9% of the UK population did not contribute to the financial crash IN ANY WAY.

Northern English cities were - OF COURSE - hardest hit.
Under the guise of #austerity, successive Governments introduced: crippling student debt; the collapse of affordable housing; the absence of secure jobs; outsourcing; MORE privatisation; unprecedented cuts to disability support & the introduction of the sadistic Universal Credit.
They should have taken responsibility, tightened financial regulations & built a fairer society. INSTEAD, supported by the right-wing media & think-tanks, they manufactured anger, division & resentment by fueling a culture war & scapegoating & demonising the vulnerable & the EU.
Into this cauldron of resentment came #Brexit: millions of people who had for decades been treated with UTTER CONTEMPT as exploitable fools by successive Govts, & goaded by opportunist nationalist populists, seized their chance to give a condescending establishment a bloody nose.
In 2017 we had a great opportunity to build a fairer society, but too many voters were too angry &/or gullible to take the chance, persuaded by the same bastards who have royally fucked Britain & the British people, that they'd be better off with even more of the same old shit.
Since 2010, wages have stagnated, if not fallen in real terms, we've lost 859 children’s centres/family hubs, 940 youth centres, a third of council-subsidised bus routes & 738 council-run libraries.

The richest 1% own the same wealth as 80% & #Brexit hasn't really happened yet!
So many lives are already fucked. We're more divided than ever. Trust has gone. Britain's economy & reputation are fucked.

The WORST UK PM & Government IN HISTORY are asset-stripping what's left of our country & STILL scapegoating vulnerable Others!

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