Rina Shnerb was a beautiful 17 year old Israeli girl, murdered by terrorists in Dolev for no reason other than being Jewish.
This is a direct result of a long-standing policy of paying salaries to terrorists by the Palestinian Authority which receives aid from Western countries.
Hallel Yaffa Ariel was 13 year old Israeli-Jewish girl, murdered by terrorist who broke into her house & stabbed her when she was asleep.
This is a direct result of incitement by the Palestinian Authority to murder Jews in schools, kindergartens and TV.
19 year old Ori Ansbacher was brutally raped & murdered by Palestinian terrorist in Jerusalem as a direct result of the Palestinian authority policy of paying salaries to those who murder Jews.
Hadas Malka was murdered in a stabbing attack in Jerusalem by Palestinian terrorist for no reason other than being Jewish.
Hadas fought terrorist who tried to grab her weapon while stabbing her multiple times, by doing so she saved the lives of others.
She was only 23 years old.
4-year-old Adele Biton was murdered by Palestinian terrorists for no reason other than being Jewish.
This is a direct result of the incitement to kill Jews in the Palestinian Authority's education system in schools, kindergartens and on TV channels.
15-years-old girl Malki Roth was murdered by Palestinian terrorists in suicide bombing in Jerusalem for no reason other than being Jewish.
Terrorist who planned the bombing got asylum in Jordan & millions of $$ from Palestinian Authority for killing Jews.
Kim Levengrond Yehezkel & Ziv Hajbi were murdered by Palestinian terrorist for no reason other than being Jews.
The Palestinian terrorist will be paid a monthly salary for life by the Palestinian Authority as a reward for killing Jews.
RT this thread!
Palestinian terrorist entered the home of Dafna Meir and stabbed her to death for no reason other than being Jewish.
She was murdered in cold blood as a direct result of the incitement by Hamas & the Palestinian Authority which pays salaries to terrorists for killing Jews.
Palestinian Authority which receives foreign aid from Canada, UK, Germany, France, New Zealand, etc, pays salaries to terrorists simply for killing Jews. The more they kill the more money they get. RT to call on Western countries to stop funding terrorism https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/israel/2019/january/report-pa-paid-terrorists-502-shekels-for-attacking-jews
Palestinian Authority pays terrorists hundreds of millions of dollars. The more they kill, the more they get.
If you live in the West you fund the murder of Jews when your government sends foreign aid to Palestinians.
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19 years old Hadar Cohen was murdered, for no reason other than being Jewish, when 3 Palestinian terrorists carried out a shooting attack in Jerusalem.
Before being murdered, Hadar managed to shoot one of the attackers. Her bravery saved many lives.
Her name is Sinai Keinan. She was 1 year old.

She was murdered 18 years ago in a suicide bombing in Petah Tikva. The Palestinian Authority rewarded the man who planned this evil attack with over 750,000 NIS.

How can we make peace with Palestinian leaders that reward terrorism?
Palestinian Authority, which receives aid from the UN, EU & Western countries, pays +$300M reward annually to terrorist & families of suicide bombers that killed Jews for Islam's sake.
RT to call on Western countries to stop funding murder of Jews.
10-month-old Israeli infant Shalhevet Pass murdered by Palestinian sniper for no reason other than being Jewish.
Palestinian Authority & Hamas glorify terror attacks & incite to murder Jews in schools, TV & mosques.
How can we make peace with PA & & Hamas who promote terrorism?
British MP reveals how the Palestinian Authority used over the years hundreds of millions of dollars of UK foreign aid (British tax money) to pay salaries to terrorists as a reward for murdering Jews (including Jewish women & children).
Please RT!
The Palestinian Authority, which receives billions in foreign aid from UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, the Netherlands, & other Western countries, pays salaries to Muslim terrorists for killing Jews. The more they kill the more money they get.
Dalia Lamkus, 25-year old woman was murdered by Palestinian terrorist for no reason other than being Jewish.
She was murdered in cold blood as a direct result of the Palestinian Authority's terror policy of paying salaries to terrorists for killing Jews.
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