Shin SD Gundam Gaiden Knight Gundam Maryuu Zero no Kishiden: The Thread

This manga is the adaption of Shin SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari, which takes place after Kikoushin Densetsu.
Character intros.

This was included in the rereleased compilation volume, which is the version that will be used for this thread.

Additionally, I don't have my handwritten notes for this thread, so you'll see my Japanese classes aren't just for show.
Chapter 1: The Holy Machine Tournament

The chapter opens up with a knight named Marbet and her machine soldier being attacked by a group of bandits. Just then, they are interrupted by a mysterious cloaked knight.
"This is where I'm walking. You people are in my way."
"You, who have been corrupted..."

"Return to "zero"!!"
Upon drawing his sword, the stranger turns into a Devil Dragon (maryuu), a beast that is said to have the ability to destroy everything. Turns out, that was just a dream, and she had passed out during the fight. The stranger explains that the bandits ran away.
Marbet gives her thanks and tries to move, but is told she's too hurt and shouldn't move. This is bad, since she planned on entering the Holy Knight Selection Tournament in the Granada Kingdom and use the winnings to keep her village from starving.
She asks the stranger to take her place in the tournament. He reacts in suspicion until Marbet mentions the second prize: the legendary Silver Halberd. After a brief rumination, he agrees to fix up her machine soldier and use it for the tournament.
Marbet: Th...thank you so much, traveling swordsman...
?: My name is...
?: Swordsman Zero Gundam!!
Meanwhile, the tournament has indeed started, and the current person expected to win is Holy Knight Neo Stride, a Granada Knight and the previous year's champion. He pilots Metanal, a treasure of the Granada royal family.
However, there is another rising champion in the form of Epco 94 and its pilot, Prost. Neo Stride tosses Prost a rose and tells him to keep winning so they can fight each other in the final round.
The next battle begins and it's Marbet in Riga Kaiser...and then the announcer corrects himself to say it's Riga Kaiser Zero Custom. Zero's voice and dragon emblem tip his opponent off to him not being Marbet and trashes his Machine Soldier with ease.
The particular attack that Riga Kaiser Zero used was something that further tipped of Prost and Neo Stride and inspired awe from the crowd. Marbet herself observes that Zero's skill is on the level of a knight, not a mere swordsman.
However, using Thunder Variant caused Riga Kaiser to begin cracking. Zero grumbles that not being able to use it will make this tournament difficult to win. Both Neo Stride and Prost demand that he fights one of them immediately, but then the tournament is attacked.
The Hell Axis Gang is back, this time bringing their leader, Gemon. They came here to take the Silver Halberd for themselves. Marbet tries to guard the Halberd, but is grabbed by a machine soldier, only to be saved by Zero Gundam.
Zero, who also wants the Silver Halberd, so he tells Gemon to get his grubby hands away from them. Gemon scoffs at this, as he thinks no one can beat his Giant Machine Soldier, Xamelord.
End of Chapter 1.

I might not do this every day like the last threads, since this tends to take a lot of time, so do not expect constant updates.
Chapter 2: Stimuli
Not heeding Zero's words, Gemon takes the halberd. As this is a holy weapon, this angers him and he attacks again with Thunder Variant, causing Rika Kaiser to crack further. Continued use of it will wreck the machine.
Xamelord counters with an attack called Gale Tornado, which surprises Zero. Yet again, he is forced to counter with Thunder Variant, resulting in Riga Kaiser breaking as he expected. This leaves Gemon able to attack the others. And then...
"No. You don't know its true power."
It was Zero, who survived the explosion. He demands Gemon return the halberd, but the thief tries to shake him off to no avail.
"The legend is now!"
"See for yourself!"
"Thunder, hear my plea!"
"Give me the power of the dragon!!"
A shadow appears, which Marbet recognizes as the Maryuu. This is Dragon Machine Dragoon, and it begins to wreck the Hell Axis Bandits. Xamelord freezes it in place with the Gale Tornado.
Zero asks Prost to knock the halberd away from Xamelord. Prost questions who exactly Zero is, due to his ability to being able to summon the legendary Dragon Machine. Zero explains that Dragoon has not awakened yet and Saddrac will be destroyed if it hasn't yet. Prost complies.
The halberd is knocked out of Xamelord's hand and it is caught by Dragoon on Zero's orders.
The Dragoon transforms into a humanoid form.
Zero enters Dragoon's cockpit and the fight continues. During this, Gemon mentions a person known as the Illusion King, who had given him the Gale Tornado weapon.
"The Illusion King..."
"The Gale Tornado is one of our clan's sacred "storm" skills. Any old thief can't use it for real."

Irritated by this development, Zero unleashes a "true" Thunder Variant and utterly wrecks Xamelord.
Upon Xamelord's defeat, he hears a voice.

"So you finally show yourself, Zero Gundam!"
"That voice is...!"
The voice was Vice Gundam, the Illusion King himself. Vice utters something about making it easier to control Saddrac and leaves with a cryptic message.
"Zero Gundam, it's about time you know... the ruin of the Saddrac World...will originate from yourself..."
End of Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Holy Teachings

After Vice vanishes, Gemon begs him to take him along, as they are working together. Gemon comments that he's heading to Luna Two Village to get a new machine soldier. Zero assumes that this is where Vice Gundam's base is located.
Zero gives Marbet the money he was rewarded for beating Xamelord (to replace her wrecked Riga Kaiser) and heads off. Prost and Neo Stride follow after Zero despite the king's protests to finish the tournament.
During his trek, Zero is nearly hit by debris from a machine soldier. It is coming from the nearby Casalelia Village, where Gale Tornados have shown up. Zero assumes Vice is currently there.

Meanwhile, one of the twin pilots of Gemini Class, Hexa Younger, has been captured.
The Gemini Class is a powerful Machine Soldier, but it needs both the Hexa Twins to use its full strength. As a result, Hexa Elder struggles to fight against the forces attacking the village.
Zero appears to save him, giving the attacking forces a surprise attack. Hexa Elder is suprised at the strange machine soldier, but Prost and Neo Stride appear to say he's not an enemy and to go rescue his brother while they defend the village.
Then a messanger from Vice arrives saying for Zero to come alone to Uig Cave if they want Hexa Younger to live. This angers Elder, as he doesn't trust Zero as a stranger. Zero comments he knows Vice well and he *will* kill Younger if Elder goes. He wants to fight his enemy.
"Vice my father's enemy!!"

Meanwhile, Gemon asks Vice if Zero will really come and about the machine soldier army. Vice says to keep quiet and that he wouldn't understand.

"Only I would understand the fears of, HIS clan!!"
"First, you killed my father...then, you use our clan's sacred "Storm Sword" skills for evil...and now, you've set up a trap using an innocent as bait...Vice Gundam, you underhanded bastard!!"
Zero arrives and they fight.
During this fight, Zero mentions that the clan's elder told him not to forgive the man who corrupted the sacred skills and that same man is the one who killed his father. During the fight, he frees Hexa Younger and tells him to escape. Vice says he is stronger, but still weak.
To Zero's shock, Vice uses a "Thunder" skill.
"He should've only stolen...the "Storm Sword" skills..."
Zero and Hexa Younger are buried in a rock slide and are left for dead by Vice and Gemon.
Vice explains that Zero can't draw his sword from under the rocks to summon Dragoon, sealing his fate. They are then ambushed outside by Hexa Elder in Gemini Class. Vice orders Gemon to rally the forces from Kasalela nearby to counter and crush them.
"Zero this really the furthest you go?"

"If this is where it ends, there is no way you will retrieve the sacred skills, nor will you inherit the qualifications for Holy Knight!"
End of Chapter 3.
Chapter 4: To Zero! To Zero!
"Heir of the Thunder Sword, Zero can't leave reacquiring the sacred Sworm Sword skills to me... the only one that can do that... is you!!"

Gemini Class tries to attack Vice, but is surrounded by the forces that Gemon brought back to the village. He is now both outnumbered and outmatched. Gemon uses the Gale Tornado weapon to attack.
Suddenly, a light exits the cave, which surprises Vice. The mysterious figure that helped Zero appears, saying that it is indeed Dragoon and he is indeed still alive. Vice identifies him as Knight Victory, questioning why he is here. Within the storm, the brothers are reunited.
With Gemini Class now having both its pilots, it changes to Storn Mode. a magecraft based form. The brothers are easily able to tip the scales in their favor, but Gemon tries to escape again.
Gemon is halted by Dragoon and the two fight.

Meanwhile, Victory pursues Vice.
"Victory, do you intend to fight me!?"
"Recovering the sacred skills isn't my duty. It's Zero's. Mine is tracking the development of the "Storm Sword"! And your escape interferes with that!"
"Oh, I'm not running. I'm right where I need to be."

Vice summons Zanscare's mobile fortress, Rishitea, from the ground and several Machine Soldiers appear to attack Victory.
With Victory now distracted, Vice decides to fight Dragoon with his own machine.
Zero finishes off his fight with Gemon.
"Eek! L-Lord Illusion King~!!"
"You, who soils the sacred skills of the Storm Sword... RETURN TO "ZERO"!!"
"Thunder Chakram? Not bad. Your Thunder Sword skills advanced much."
Vice appears in his Machine Soldier, Vizad, and knocks the Silver Halberd out of Dragoon's hand.
During this, Zero has only one question:
"Why?! Why are you able to use the Thunder skills!?"
End of Chapter 4.

Yup. It's gonna be next chapter...
Chapter 5: O Wind, Blow Forth

The chapter continues off on Zero's question, why someone who stole the Storm Sword's skills can use the Thunder Clan's skills. Vice explains, to Zero's surprise, that he is also from the Thunder Clan.

Zero questions this further.
"Fu fu fu...I am not your father's enemy."
"Zero Gundam, my *son*."
"I AM your father!"
"Wh...What'd you say?!"
Startled by this revelation and believing it's a lie, Zero attacks Vice. However, Vice's machine soldier emits a dark aura. He wishes to turn Zero to Zanscare's side, bringing the Thunder Sword with him.
"Ah! My-my hurts!"
Vice's aura causes a headache to develop, stunning him. This is actually the darkness in Zero's heart beginning to grow. Vice comments that giving in will cause it to go away.

Meanwhile, the Silver Halberd destroys some enemies as it falls.
Seemingly outnumbered, Knight Victory summons his Machine Soldier Gaoja. This is recognized as the Bujin's Hundred Beast King by the enemies. This is another legendary Machine Soldier on par with Dragoon.

And then they attack with Gale Tornado.
The enemy's Gale Tornado has no effect, as it's a sacred skill from Victory's clan, the Storm Clan. A fake version, as he himself says. He takes the time to show them a true Gale Tornado.
With the enemies taken care of, Victory secures the Silver Halberd, noticing Zero's opponent is Vice.

Within his headache, Zero has an illusion and sees a mysterious silhouette.
The silhouette identifies himself as Zero's father, saying to come with him and his headache will disappear.

Realizing that Dragoon is trapped in a dark barrier, Victory panics and tosses the Silver Halberd to Dragoon, saying to return to its master.
The silhouette begins to take Zero towards a void of darkness, telling him to head forth.

Suddenly, a bolt of lighting breaks through, revealing the silhouette to be Vice. The Silver Halberd had broken through the illusion.
"How...dare you...not only have you disgraced my father's name, but even his own shadow...I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU, VICE!!"
Zero attacks him out of anger, dealing damage despite what Vice thought.
However, Victory notices a grin. Vice was planning something.
Zero puts his all his strength into one more attack.
This was what Vice was waiting for: an attack that held all the strength of his rage.
Victory begins to panic again, saying this is a bad development.
Vice attacks again, emitting a thunder-like aura from himself. Before he could get hit, Dragoon is grabbed by Gaoja and disappears.

Vice comments that they are likely going to "the Thunder Clan's sacred land" and laughs.
"Why'd you get in my way! Just one more and Vice..."
"That's exactly what he wants!!"
Victory explains that Vice's goal was not to destroy Dragoon, but to turn its pilot, Zero, to Zanscare's side by developing a seed of hate and anger towards him. The world is at risk due to it.
In his current state, the Thunder Sword will also be corrupted by evil. To prevent this, Zero has to redo the Dragoon Stimuli. Dragoon vanishes and Zero lands in an unknown place.
"You, who have lost the sacred heart. Your name is...Zero Gundam, correct?"
"W-who are you?"
End of Chapter 5.
Chapter 6: The Union Alliance

The mysterious figure activates a barrier resembling that of Vice Gundam's. Zero questions the nature of this until he sees a shadowy figure.

This shadowy figure is another Zero Gundam.
This is a Zero who let the wickedness in his heart consume him. It's an illusion, but Zero himself still takes damage within it.
He doubles down on his hate of those who walk the path of evil, causing the doppelganger to multiply.
This illusion is a reflection of his heart. The more he hates, the more numerous and stronger his enemies become.

That was when he noticed something: A tear in one of the doppelganger's eyes.

"That's heart doesn't just have hate...!"
"My heart must...go beyond hate!"
"I've...cut it...!"
This causes the illusion to vanish.
The true creator of the illusion is revealed.
"It seems you were able to remember what you forgot and cut through your hate, Zero Gundam..."
"V...V-Square! That illusion was you...!"
"You've grown within that illusion...!"
Zero's armor changes and he becomes Maryuu Knight Zero Gundam. V-Square asks Zero to come with him, as he will need training to obtain the Sacred Heart and become the Holy Dragon Knight now that his hate had been cut. That was why he was brought to the sacred land of their clan.
Meanwhile, Vice attacks the kingdom of Dresden to obtain its treasure, the Rosetta Stone. The captain of their knights, Javor is shocked when he sees Vice use one of Falco's skills and his machine, Masked Machine Soldier Psychonias, is taken out. Vice obtains the treasure.
The kings from Saddrac gather for a meeting. Vice plans to activate the Doom Halo and turn this world to Zanscare's world. To counter this, the kings form an alliance to take him down, calling knights from all over to help.
Prost, Victory, and Neo Stride observe the enemy.
Victory explains that the Rosetta Stone is a wish-granting item and is dangerous in Vice's hands when combined with the Doom Halo. The fight begins and the army is struggling to enter the Halo.

Just then, a sound begins to emit from the Doom Halo.
Turns out, the Doom Halo will activate soon. Victory tells Prost and Neo Stride to get inside quickly and stop Vice while he fights the small fry.

A light emits from the Doom Halo. Before he vanishes with the others, Victory sees a bolt of lighting shoots through into the Halo.
In the Doom Halo, Prost and Neo Stride encounter two elite guards on their way to the control room: Reg Jack and Rag Jack. They struggle in their fight until a familiar figure appears to help them: Dragoon.
With his new strength from training, Zero takes out the enemies.
The Doom Halo has now begun to move.

A wave of light shoots through and immobilizes Metanall and Epco.
End of Chapter 6.
Chapter 7: Door to the Core

This light is being emitted from the Muflea, which is halting them from getting to the center of the Doom Halo.
The Doom Halo is destroying the land below and eliminating the Union Clan, as wished by Vice upon the Rosetta Stone.

Meanwhile, Javor appears in Psychonias, demanding to be let past and meet Vice Gundam.
Javor wants to see if Vice truly is Falco Gundam and bring him back to the path of justice if that's the case, powering up and destroying the machine's barrier to free the others.
During this, Zero makes an observation about Javor.
"He doesn't hold any hatred towards father...but rather... sadness... and belief in him...Is this what the sacred heart is?"

With another attack, Muflea tries to vanish them, Zero being shielded by Javor.
With one final attack, Javor and his machine soldier destroy Muflea, leaving Zero the only one left.

Meanwhile, V-Square observes him. Turns out Zero had run away during his training to help the others. V-Square decides to summon the Dragon Pulsar.
However, summoning it is all V-Square can do. It's up to Zero to trigger the new Dragoon Stimuli to use it by awakening his sacred heart.
Zero enters the core of the Doom Halo. He tries to destroy the Rosetta Stone, but is stopped by Vice and his Machine Solider Vizad. Their attacks are so strong that they can now melt Dragoon's armor.
Vice tries to force Zero to hate him and pressure him to join Zanscare to "become his true son".
Zero retreats into his thoughts.
"In the world of Zanscare...there's no help my friends..."
"Not the Union Clan either...or the Storm Clan...or my own Thunder Clan...Not even father, Dragon Knight Falco Gundam! Zanscare has no use! Without the Saddrac World...I CAN'T SAVE ANYONE!!"

"Then vanish!!"

A strange silhouette cuts off Vice's attack.
It is the second Dragon Machine, the Dragon Pulsar, to Vice's shock. V-Square explains that because Zero looked beyond his hate, he triggered the new Dragon Stimuli and Dragon Pulsar came to him.
The two machines combine to form Holy Dragon Machine Mars Dragoon, the final mystery of the Thunder Sword.
Now going beyond his hate for his father and his evil, the final battle with Vice has begun.
End of Chapter 7.
Chapter 8: History's Strongest Knight

With this new power, Mars Dragoon destroys Vizad, forcing Vice to abandon the machine.
Vice takes the Rosetta Stone and attempts to vanish Zero with it. It has no effect, and Zero counters with a thunder attack. This shatters the stone and causes Vice to begin reverting back to Falco.
Just then, a shadow begins to extend from below Falco.

"Falco's spirit is now too weak...Zero Gundam! This time, your spirit will be used!!"
"This thing was controlling him!? Guh!"

The being attacks Zero, knocking away the Thunder Sword, and then embeds itself into him.

"Zero, become my subordinate!!"

This is the Illusion Emperor, and he wants Zero to fight with him with the promise of becoming the strongest.
"I won't let you...fall down the path of evil..."

Falco had lost to the Illusion Emperor and fell under the control of darkness. Proud of his son's growth, he resigns himself to destroying the Vice Tarantula with one final Thunder Sword technique.

He vanishes, leaving behind a key which gives him the Saint Mail.
Zero Gundam has now become a Holy Knight and succeeded his father. However, he realizes too late that the Doom Halo is crashing towards the ground now that it lacks a power source.
With Zero now gone, the Illusion Emperor is now content to invade Saddrac, sending forth the Vice Tarantulas to begin work.
Meanwhile, Gemon is just trying to survive now that Vice was defeated. He sees a group of people moving and assumes it's a crowd heading for free meals. He joins them, not noticing the Vice Tarantulas on their heads.
The group heads towards the Doom Halo. In the sky is now a black sun. Gemon questions what's going on until he sees the Illusion Emperor's machine soldier, Ajbald.

The purpose of this was to use their blood to revive the Doom Halo.
"Let your blood flow for me!!"
The crowd cheers and a rain of light falls from the sky, causing blood to flow from them. Gemon panics and hides in the ground. Suddenly, an attack from the sky...

It's Zero Gundam, who had survived. He claims that he won't die until the Union Clan returns to the surface. Assault Buster calls upon Black Sun Stormsan to assist him in battle.
The black sun's form begins to change.
End of chapter 8.
Chapter 9: Black Sun

The black sun transforms into Zanscare's final weapon: Stormsan. This is a giant Machine Soldier that is controlled by Ajibald, the Illusion Emperor's own Machine Soldier. The rain of light strengthens, causing more blood to flow.
Just as Zero tries to do something about it, Zanscare's Four Heavenly Kings engage him. This is comical because they just keep attacking each other as they attack Mars Dragoon, with the Illusion Emperor needing to give them direct orders to stop.
While the other two argue who gets the honor of defeating Mars Dragoon, Zero notices a strange pouch on his side and exits the Dragoon. He takes out the fragments and makes a wish on them and the Doom Halo.

"Protect the people of Saddrac!"
The two enemies are shocked, because the Rosetta Stone should've been destroyed when he attacked Vice.

Turns out, these are actually the fragments of the Rosetta Stone, and Zero's wish was granted, summoning Gungenesis and Gunrex to assist in battle.
This enrages the Illusion Emperor, who attacks with a powerful Gale Tornado.
Zero tells Gungenesis and Gunrex to teleport the people out of there to keep them safe, as this is his own battle to fight.

"I'll return that bastard to "zero"!"
Just as this happens, Mars Dragoon is hit with a powerful attack. The Illusion Emperor believes that he is victorious in this battle.

it turns out that Mars Dragoon isn't out of the fight yet, as he has summoned a giant shadow.

"A new legend has been born!!"
End of Chapter 9.
Chapter Final: The Ultimate Essence

The Dragon Palace is summoned. It is the final mystery of the Thunder clan, and give a boost of power to assist Zero in defeating Stormsan. He is easily able to counter some of the Storm Sword's own secret techniques.
However, this causes the Illusion Emperor to push back harder and create a sandstorm with his own techniques. The sand is starting to leak inside Mars Dragoon. That was when the key from Falco shines. It's his solution by further pushing the Thunder System.
As the Illusion Emperor pressures him, the Dragon Palace transforms into a giant mecha, which is boarded by Mars Dragoon. The counterattack begins with a cannon attack, which immolates part of Stormsan.
During this, Zero makes an observation.
Zero: "Illusion Emperor, surely you must have been once pure enough to have mastered the Storm Sword...why did you let yourself become so corrupted by evil...?"
IE: "Because evil has given me the greatest power!!"
Stormsan attacks and grabs on to the Dragon Palace. The vines from Stormsan wrap around it, trapping the machine in its grip. The Illusion Emperor intends to take Zero down with an impact that will throw the whole planet off balance.
As the two machines fall towards the planet, Vice Tarantulas enter the cockpit. Zero can hear the Illusion Emperor from them.
"You will be controlled by me like your father, Falco...join the path of evil, can't protect Saddrac..."

*"Zero! Protect the Saddrac World"*
The spirits of the machine soldiers and their pilots of the Union Clan who had disappeared due to the Doom Halo appear to encourage Zero. (And to the Illusion Emperor's surprise) Revived, Zero defeats the Vice Tarantulas with lightning, their weakness, and powers up.
"From within the Dragoon a new light...!"
"Behold! Together with the souls of my comrades, I have surpassed the "Thunder System"!"
"And created the "Zero System"!"
"All of Saddrac will be enveloped by the Plasma Dragoon's holy lightning!"
"Until no bit of evil remains in Saddrac!"
The final Vice Tarantula lands on Gemon, and he beats it up, planning to take credit on being the hero who stopped the Illusion Emperor. The other knights, who know the truth, shrug at the idea.

Marbet:'re leaving the Thunder Sword? Where are you going?
Zero: I don't need it. My heart has already mastered the Thunder Sword.
(Zero: The sound of thunder is calling...)
Marbet: Zero Gundam-!
(Zero: The journey of the Thunder Sword's long as the thunder of justice rings in Saddrac...!)
End of Chapter Final.

Next will be the bonus chapter, which I never wrote notes for, so it will be a first-time translation.

Then will be the bonus thread.
Bonus: The Hidden Story of Zero Gundam
" I?! Who exactly am I? I don't remember a thing...!"

The amnesiac Zero asks the helmsman where the ship is going. He replies Highland Village, to his surprise. The helmsman was as well, as he had to search for it.
This was apparently a request from the village's head. He requested the Maryu Swordsman to come and help their village. Become the "savior".

"I'm the Maryu Swordsman? I'm that so called savior?"
Later, Zero arrives in Highland Village and saves a girl from a monster. He doesn't remember anything, but can't let an innocent get hurt.
Strangely, he is unable draw the sword on his back and resorts to some thunder techniques to fight the monster.
The attack is able to stun the monster and Zero takes him down with his own blade. The girl (Shakti) and chief thank Zero, who asks if that's his name, to their shock. He cannot protect them in his current state. The chief says to find the Lead Sword.
The chief gives Zero a "Zeta (Z) Card". This will allow him to get into the Guidance Shrine, where the sword is located. Upon entering the shrine, he sees it is a labrynth. Then, a voice speaks to Zero.

"Only those free of sin may pass."
"Who...who's there?!"
The sword is past this large gulch. Only those who have not been tainted can pass through here. Wanting to get his memories back, Zero begins to hop across the pillars.
Just then, he notices something and slips, nearly falling into the gulch. The voice mocks Zero, saying that he is tainted. Zero tells the voice to shut up and explains:

"I may want to get my memories back...but that's no excuse to take the life of this bug...isn't it?"
That was the answer the voice was looking for. Zero is transported to the room with the Lead Sword and takes it. His memories begin to return.
He is Zero Gundam, the legitimate heir to the Thunder Sword. He had summoned Dragoon, the ultimate proof of that inheritance.
However, there are other successors who have been tainted by evil. Zero names them as Knight Sandias, Knight Mezaldan, and V-Square. That was why he came here. The voice tells him to protect the world from them and is revealed to be Superior Dragon.
Meanwhile, the monsters in Highland Village are reenacting the French Revolution. They are put a stop to by Zero, who recognizes them as Sandias's minions. He plans to go after them, but Shakti tells him that the path is blocked...
By a zone of Minovesky Particles. It is so dense that he cannot advance without the Craft Stone. Zero then has to go to the Craft Shrine to fetch it.
Later, Sandias gloats about this until it's revealed that the storm has suddenly disappeared.
Zero cuts through the forces until he reaches where Sandias is. Sandias reveals that Zero was thrown into the sea by a storm while getting here and will now make sure that his life ends here with his machine soldier Gunsword.

Zero acknowledges this. "Come out, Dragoon!!"
To Sandias's shock, Dragoon was summoned. A curse should've been placed on the sword to make it so it couldn't be drawn, but the miracle ring, full of the hopes of the villagers, cancelled it out. As a result, Zero is easily able to take down Sandias.
The battle is over.

Zero exits with the Bell of Time from its according temple. Superior Dragon appears and explains that this will allow him to fight the next opponent, Mezaldan.

He acknowledges this and heads off.
End of Bonus Chapter.

This is actually a loose adaption of the Gameboy game and the actual canon lore behind it is particularly interesting to me.
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