Indonesia distancing itself from the US-fabricated Uyghur hoax is a very good news, especially when stating that the motive is to spark hostility between Indonesia and China, which is the sole purpose of this hoax being non-stop promoted by western countries... 1/7
Opposed to that, the World Muslim Congress and 44 countries, 1/3 being Muslim majority countries, support China's effort to alleviate Uyghurs lives and distance them from terrorism (and the western-back funding of these terrorists) 3/7
Among the farcical western claims comes the so-called "Uyghur genocide", without any proof being given to justify this claim, and the constant refusal from western countries to visit Xinjiang
The only known Uyghur "genocide" is attributed to the US 4/7
The Uyghur World Congress is just a re-branding of the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement, having the same claim of creating an independent so-called "East Turkistan" within China. The re-branding was needed after the UN Security Council classified the ETIM as terrorist org 5/7
To justify the claim of an Independent so-called "East Turkistan", the Uyghur World Congress defines China as "invaders", while Xinjiang is China since 60BC and Uyghurs arrived in China's Xinjiang in 1000AD
[source Britannica] 6/7
To conclude: the only way to stop young Uyghurs being attracted by mercenary-terrorists salaries is to give them more opportunities through education and job. Hence the west defining education centers as concentration camps and trying to stop Xinjiang factories with sanctions 7/7
And just to add, if needed...
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