Tweet string on the Narrabri Gas Project, recently approved by the IPC after only 90 days and 23,000 submissions, 98% opposed

"The future is clear. Investment is flooding into renewable energy whilst the gas industry is contracting and bleeding red ink"
On the eve of the Narrabri Gas Project approval, the NSW Minister for Energy, Matt Kean, said “the business case for gas is on the clock.” and that those in favour of increased investment in coal and gas were "advocating for higher energy prices." #gas
"There is no case to put even one cent of taxpayers' money into this project.” - Editorial @smh

The IPC’s approval "has come with so many conditions that it remains far from certain that it will stack up technically and economically"
"the department said the project was in the public interest as it was critical for energy security in NSW, and was unlikely to result in significant impacts on the community or environment, including not adversely affecting groundwater resources."
"gas may only be produced in about 2025 even if Santos can negotiate through opposition from shareholder activists, farmers, scientists, protesters"
NSW Farmers: "the project poses an unacceptable risk to water resources, soil and air quality"
"Paul Stein QC, a retired court of appeal judge now speaking as a committee member of the Centre for Public Integrity, said he was “deeply concerned” that the NSW IPC had been diminished ... following complaints by mining and resources interests.
98% of 23,000 submissions were opposed:
• risks to groundwater and the Great Artesian Basin
• risks to forest biodiversity
• substantial greenhouse gas emissions.
Opponents include local farmers, scientists, conservationists

IEEFA: The very last thing the world needs is more gas.
Globally, the gas industry is in recession, and Santos just wrote off $950m. Their total write-downs since 2014 near $8bn!
Investors flee the gas industry, investment is going to renewables.
China’s recent commitment to achieve zero emissions by 2060 brings will accelerate the global transition to clean energy systems and will dramatically impact Australia’s exports.
"China’s use of coal, oil and gas must be slashed"
IEEFA Podcast: When it comes to gas prices “they’re saying supply is the problem. Supply can’t be the problem because supply has tripled since 2014. We’ve had so much gas come on stream and yet prices have gone up. The problem is the market structure."
IEEFA’s Submission to the IPC notes the "global supply glut of gas that will continue until late this decade”
"The Narrabri gas project will not bring down the cost of gas for the domestic consumer as Santos claims."
The Australia Institute says Santos’ Narrabri Gas proposal claim of lower gas prices "misrepresents the evidence" - the AEMO assessment "did not examine the likely price of gas production at Narrabri” just using an estimate provided by Santos.
NSW's strict timeline resulted in new evidence on groundwater ("far greater" impact), being rejected.
“This is not last-minute stuff. This is an impact assessment that Whitehaven submitted last year. It’s not like Santos didn’t have time to include this”
An @smh editorial on Narrabri Gas concludes that the project is “high risk”. Strict conditions, widespread community and scientific opposition, and the high probability of “much tighter controls, such as a carbon tax” increase the risk.
ACCC has linked gas export prices to higher electricity prices, “for every $1/GJ rise in gas prices, the wholesale price of electricity rises by up to $11/MWh.” The gas export market has been a “financial failure with nearly $8bn written off”.
2018 Nature study: methane leaks 60% higher than EPA’s 1.4%. Santos only uses 0.0058%. Dr Andrew Grogan notes Narrabri gas’ high % CO2 at 25% (Santos: 10%).

At 1.4% this puts Narrabri gas at 88% of coal’s emissions (Santos 55%) or 50% dirtier at 2.4%.
Will Narrabri really lower local prices? Although supply has tripled, gas prices have risen, “tripling in some cases”. Bruce Robertson: "A domestic gas reservation policy is the only way to “ensure low prices and surety of supply for domestic consumers”
Former Fire Chief, Greg Mullins: Narrabri Gas "should be scrapped on climate change grounds, but could be rejected on the fire risk alone. The Pilliga is becoming increasingly flammable."

He wouldn't risk firefighters lives by sending them in.
Narrabri farmer Stuart Murray: “Our government has betrayed us”.

Farmers and Lock the Gate: “destructive and polluting” destroying biodiversity, risking “the destruction of about 1,000 hectares of koala habitat”.
Despite Santos’ claims that groundwater risks can be managed, experts say “the risks of groundwater and surface contamination and drawdown are real"

The public are “not being presented with a full, realistic range of potential impacts from the project"
The EDO said the Narrabri Gas risks important sources of water for agriculture and domestic use and important recharge zones for the Great Artesian Basin.

Waste water would have high salinity and contain significant levels of heavy metals.
Alternatives to Narrabri Gas include

1) Moving domestic customers off gas
2) Batteries, now starting to compete at a grid scale with gas peakers
3) Large scale renewables

Dr Madeline Taylor, UTS: "Narrabri Gas wouldn't even make a dent in power bills."
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