The hypersexualization and grooming of young girls and teenage girls of generation Z - A thread

This involves the discussion of grooming, ab^se of power, ab*se in general, predatory behavior etc
Sexualizing of young girls and young women and the way that capitalism has forced women to view their appearance as a commodity from puberty as pre teens. Anyway, here’s what teen actresses looked like in the mid-90s for more on this so-called ‘cultural shift’:
You know what? Let’s not come for Millie for it.Pick random 13 yr old girl today and she’ll look the same. I had seen girls my age before 14/13 showed up and with full makeup, hair, ourfit and nails they looked at least 20 and I literally forgot at some point how old they were.
It’s not just actresses. There was a cultural shift. And goodness it is stressful to be a preteen in the era of IG and snapchat and etc because growing up as an pre teen i did took some interest in makeup and etc at some point being 13/12.
1994 so we are not gonna pretend that the 90s/ 200s were a GREAT place to be a teenage girl and these atrocities didn’t happen:
Britney Spears on the cover of Rolling Stone, 1999, age 16 (literally all of Britney Spears’s early career)
Dominique Swain, for Lolita, age 15, 1997
Natalie Portman, age 12, in Leon: The Professional, 1994, This joint isn’t new. Let’s Stop acting like it’s new and the past is somehow less worse than things are now. 12 year old Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver
12 year old Brooke Shields in a promo shot for “Pretty Baby” And worst of all for Brooke Shields: She was 10 when this was taken and she was make up and oiled up and she was nude. She lost the court case for the rights for the negatives and for it to stop being reproduced. :
something has changed it’s that today’s sexualized depiction of young girls is more upfront, while people are acutely aware of how widespread p*d%philia is. That’s why they’re criticized. But back in the 1970’s / 1980’s if it was less in your face...
Big example : Malu is now created an onlyfans just after turning 18 a seconds ago, the first photo is her freshly 18 and while the last is her at 15, Malu been getting groomed by older men for years even at 13/14 yrs old, she’s product of grooming.
Don’t blame the girls, blame porn industry, blame the society for this. It's about power.They claim it's "empowering" for young girls to dress like this, tell teens that they interested because she's "mature for her age," but really it's about the fact that preteen/teenage girls-
have less power than adult men and they're grooming them to be taken advantage of. The original picture of Milly isn’t even bad in the first one,She’s just wearing black, and well done makeup. The problem is not the girls,it’s the predators and industry.
protect girls. protect girls. protect girls. Liberal feminism and choice feminism is a big issues, and literally align with patriarchy.
Choice feminism failed young girls and young women and it groomed girls too
These young girls barely even have fully developed brain to understand the harm which being done to them by older men and etc, they make choices that they are told to make without great understanding of it let alone older teens 16-19 who are vulnerable to this grooming as well.
Teenage girls and pre teens are easily manipulated in situations and relationships, and even in the pornography industry, they seek out vulnerable young girls to do things for them which is trafficking obviously.
Whether legal or illegal, the responsibility should fall on adults not to sexualize young people. Because if the only thing stopping an adult from lusting after a legal teen is the single day between 17 and 18 years old, there’s a moral deficit that goes beyond our legal system
Waiting for teenage girls to reach the age of consent or legal age is so commonplace in American culture, which in Europe lowest age consent is 14 and the trying to quickly have teens become more mature and adult them fast enough is another example of predator culture.
Grooming young girls in to pornography is one of them too the men and porn industry have a big thing for barely legal girls aged 18-20 they want very young girls. Lot of Men definitely are more into the “young” or “barely legal” girls.
There’s also a market for porn for p*d+ph*les in the industry like “barely legal”. Think you should be 22 & up— when at most mature and much much older, older men lust after young girls it’s so scary it’s normalized in my generation.
This will further explain the industry and its ties with it
Here’s the thing I been groomed before at a certain point and I’m glad I realized it before something bad happened or event glad so I won’t carry this in older teenhood when I turned 16 and learned more about it, i was like “oh dang, these dudes were deadass predators”
Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a young child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and etc them. Children and young people who are groomed can be sexually ab*sed, exploited or trafficked.
Predators will make literal websites/post that are nothing but a page with numbers counting down the years, months, weeks, days, hours, seconds, until an actress/model/singer turns 18…just like internet famous young girls like Malu, Loren, etc
They will treat dating older women as a fetish/weird kink/taboo, but find it completely normal when grown ass men date girls over ten years younger than them, *call pre teen girls “jailbait” to deflect all blame off men onto the girls*
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