So I’m gonna do a thread of all the patrochilles/eruri parallels I can think of here we go laid ease

(I’ll try to include sources at the end)
So we know from official sources that Erwin is the most important person in Levi’s life (right hand man, equal, one and only partner, soulmate, irreplaceable existence). In the Iliad, Patroclus is ascribed the same position to Achilles as Erwin is to Levi.
“In fact Patroklos is for Achilles the πολὺ φίλτατος ... ἑταῖρος — the ‘hetaîros who is the most phílos by far’”

“In ancient texts, philos [was] used for love between family, between friends, a desire or enjoyment of an activity, as well as between lovers.”
“In the Iliad, Homer describes a deep and meaningful relationship between Achilles and Patroclus, where Achilles is tender toward Patroclus but callous and arrogant toward others.”

“Isayama: For Levi, that person is Erwin. He has acknowledged Erwin as an existence who he looks-“
up to. It’s part of the Ackerman bloodline, or an instinctive part of them, you could say.”

Levi’s resolve to k Zeke mirrors Achilles resolve to k Hector. Yes, in both of these instances the deaths of the enemy would benefit the cause, but for Achilles (and for Levi I think) the biggest motivator is entirely personal. Avenging the person most important to them
“The rage that follows from Patroclus’ death becomes the prime motivation for Achilles to return to the battlefield. He returns to battle with the sole aim of avenging Patroclus’ death by killing Hector, despite a warning that doing so would cost him his life.”
“Achilles publicly laments Patroclus’ death, addressing the corpse and criticizing him for letting himself be killed.”

“Phaedrus suggests that Achilles is the eromenos whose reverence of his erastes, Patroclus, was so great that he would be willing to die to avenge him.”
“I swore to him that I'd kill you no
matter what. I...I swore to him!”

“I’ll stop Zeke. Just.... lend me your strength.”

“Levi has lost Erwin, who is someone non-replaceable to him. What will be his future motivation?
"he is currently like a balloon dangling in the air."

Achilles is called “aristos achaion” meaning “the best of the Greeks” in terms of being a warrior. Before his fall in Troy, he was undefeated in battle.

Levi is called “humanity’s strongest” and as of yet is still alive and fighting in the manga.

When first telling everyone his plan to lead the charge against Zeke, Levi stays behind with Erwin and tries to convince him to sit the battle out - knowing that it’ll cost him his life. However before the charge, knowing he won’t change Erwin’s mind, he encourages him to lead...
the recruits into hell.

Similarly, Patroclus tries to convince Achilles to let him lead a charge against Troy (the Greeks are taking heavy loses) to which Achilles at first resists. However, when Achilles eventually relents and lets Patroclus don his armor.
“Unable to get Achilles out of his tent and back onto the battlefield, Patroclus dons Achilles' armour and poses as him, with Achilles’ blessing.”

(Note: Achilles told Patroclus to go with the promise that he’d stay back from the worst of the fighting and return to him)
“Let Hanji call the shots.”

“I’m fine being food. Use me as bait... It’s true this operation will be dangerous, but to humanity it’s more important than anything else.”

“If I do not lead the vanguard, none of them will follow.”

“Lead the recruits straight into hell.”

“Achilles' attachment to Patroclus is an archetypal male bond that occurs elsewhere in Greek culture: Alexander the Great and Hephaestion who made symbolic public references to Achilles and Patroclus...pairs of comrades who gladly face danger and death for and beside each other.”
"Even if Erwin will lead me to hell, I will never regret. Never. Not even one bit"

"Levi is someone who has considerably become own Erwin's flesh and blood, and for Erwin to meet Levi was such a fruitful moment."

“In the Iliad, it is explicitly stated that Patroclus was the older and more responsible of the two.”

Although we don’t know their exact ages, Isayama has given age ranges that put Erwin as older than Levi.

Along with some quotes directly from the Iliad and a couple chapters in the manga
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