Another Russian-related lie was exposed today, this time the allegation that @nypost’s Biden coverage was “Russian disinformation,” something that every corner of the media & Democratic Party assured us was the case.

Don’t believe me? Well, take a look👇
Getting us started is @CNN, who had chief Russian conspiracist James Clapper on the program to talk about how the Post story was “classic textbook Soviet Russian tradecraft” (his words) and then did an “anatomy” of the “dubious” story.
But right behind them was @nytimes, who ran a similarly incredulous story, and whose chief political reporter @maggieNYT doubled down on the Russian disinformation angle.
But the real leader - as with all things Russian hoax related - was @MSNBC.

They also managed to pull in @CongressmanRaja, @PhilipRucker, and @McFaul (who was all aboard this idea already).
And of course their top talent got involved in the act. Here’s @MSNBC’s leading Russian conspiracy theorist, @maddow.
But she continues to be rivaled for that top spot by @JoyAnnReid.
There were plenty of others.

I wonder if we’ll get a follow up from @PBS / @NewsHour about the DNI shooting this reporting down?
Or maybe we’ll hear more from @NPR and @Yamiche?
Perhaps the organization that looks the worst in all this is @CBSNews. One of their reporters, @BoKnowsNews, dared ask Biden about the allegations and was shot down on twitter by his own news director (and that may not even be the worst of it).
We’ve got a lot to get through on this one, so we’ve gotta start doubling up early. Here we’ve got:
@Newsweek (wtf guys) and
And of course media’s most consistent Russian truther, @DavidCornDC, checked in on behalf of @MotherJones.

I could do an entire thread just on Corn honestly.
And where could these news outlets be getting their stories?

Well, as it happens, many of them are from elected officials paid by your tax dollars.

You’ll be stunned, but leading the charge on the latest rash of Russian related hysteria was @RepAdamSchiff.
As ever, he wasn’t alone.
@ChrisMurphyCT did a whole thread on it. Here’s just a few of them.
Plus we had this bogus from @BillPascrell.
@davidcicilline may fly under the radar on it but he’s been a died in the blood Russian collusion guy, too.
But it was the bluechecks who really outdid themselves on this one. You’ll see many of the same names here as who pushed the Russian collusion hoax way back when. Here’s @Amy_Siskind
@neeratanden went full black helicopters on this one.
One of the loudest voices in all of this continues to be @brhodes, which is pretty incredible when you consider that the only reason we know his name is because he duped a media establishment that loved his boss.
So many hacks, so little time. We’re combining all the @crookedmedia podcast bros into one tweet to save space. So we’ve got:
Obligatory mentions of both @SethAbramson and @kurteichenwald.
As ever, the former Republicans found a way to outdo themselves on this one. Here’s @MaxBoot checking in with the four-boxer, and also bringing @CNNTonight along for the ride.
I will never forgive myself for once speaking positively of @EvanMcMullin.
There’s no way to fit all of the NeverTrumpers, so we’re bundling them together. Here we’ve also got @BillKristol, @davidfrum and @WalshFreedom
Space and patience are almost gone. Here we’ve got:

@joelockhart (go figure)
It is ENORMOUSLY dishonest for anyone to pretend that a politically inconvenient story is disinformation from a hostile foreign power.

Our entire media establishment just did this - AGAIN - along with elected officials and thought leaders.

Shameful. Just all around shameful.
We can’t live in a world where everything the left doesn’t like magically becomes “Russian disinformation.” No one even bothered to show this was disinfo - all they had to do was say it & it built the narrative on the left and in the mainstream media.
Okay, follow up. There was just too much to cram in.

You had to know that @ThePlumLineGS would be all over a good Russian conspiracy theory.
@NatashaBertrand and @politico thought it would make sense to quote **a Biden adviser** about whether or not the Russian disinformation allegations were legit.

Are you kidding me.
@kyledcheney was quick to share that same @Politico story.
The various political hack outfits got involved. Here we have @TheDemCoalition and @swingleft
It just keeps going.
Anyway, more of the same from @mattmfm
“Actively pushing Russian disinformation” to hear @svdate tell it.
I couldn’t do one of these and not include @atrupar.
Lmao OF COURSE @petestrzok is here too.
I hope @CNN and @MarshallCohen revisit this one.
Speaking of @CNN here is @sam_vinograd with a very normal take that Trump and Giuliani are actively working with Russia.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
I don’t think that these are “the only takes that remains,” @juliettekayyem
This one didn’t age well, @AshaRangappa_.
I don’t even know what to say about this one from @waltshaub.
This take looks dubious in retrospect, @rgoodlaw.
This one is likely my longest and perhaps most savage threads. So much - too much - to tee off on.
Also @Twitter can you let me know how to flag potentially misleading tweets about the 2020 Election? I’ve got some recommendations.
Also, of course, these are the same people who shouted about the Steele dossier and the “pee tape” and everything else related to “Russian collusion” for the last four years.

I’ve got a separate thread with some of the worst offenders. https://twitter.com/DrewHolden360/status/1316524211813462021
Still going.
Now seems like a good time for some apologies. https://twitter.com/MajorCBS/status/1318697910922481666
I’m usually more measured on here but these people and outlets - all of them - should all be ashamed of themselves.

If they have one iota of self respect or patriotism they’ll apologize.

I don’t have my hopes up.
You can follow @DrewHolden360.
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