Today is the second time in my life that I have voted a straight ticket.

In my life I have always desired and voted for divided government. I like debate and a government that does not move to fast in one direction or the other.

Since Mitch and the radical Republicans who came to power with him, championing an agenda of compromise is a bad word, democrats are bad people while pairing that with a vitriol message of white supremacy that has now evolved into a Trump presidency.

This has made bipartisanship nonexistent and for me a split ticket is no longer viable

I consider myself a patriot I spent a lifetime in the US Navy I have been around the world I have see the threats that oppose our country as I serviced in three different combat zones.

Now what I see from Trump and the Republicans is the worse national threat in my lifetime

Every pillar of our democracy is under attack the very constitution is being discarded and left unprotected This did not have to happen even with Trump as President.

Our checks and balances are a principal of the Constitution, good people would have kept their oath and acted but the elected republicans ignored criminal and traitorous actions by a Narcissistic President leaving democracy on the verge of collapse

Now where is our country, the republican hate messaging from TV, Radio and their elected officials have left America as divided as it has every been.

People rightly fear violence at polls or after Election Day a President who has stated he will not except the results of the
fear and hate is what Trump is stowing, it is the Republican mantra

The only way people of good conscience can rectify this and restore democracy is to vote a straight blue ticket. While Trump is the problem the rest of the Republican Party is the cause.
I will never vote for another republican who has served while Trump was in office. They have failed America
Chief Operations Specialist (SW) USN Ret
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