Some people smirk at me when I say I invest my time and money in the stock market at a young age

These are the people I laugh at.

Just one extra year in the stock market can make you THOUSANDS of dollars with no work.

Let me show you the snowball effect.

For this exercise, I’m going to be using Dave Ramsey’s retirement calculator.

Let’s start off with the average adult (starting at 35, being able to invest $500 a month)

Assuming a 10% return on the S&P, which is average let’s look at the returns.
Looking awesome! A $200k investment over 32 years gets you a portfolio worth over 1.6 million

Now, let’s say that instead of investing at 35, you invest at 30.

A little more time to grow, a little more money to invest
An extra 30k in investment and five years of growth yields you ANOTHER MILLION DOLLARS.

This is the power of the snowball. This is how generational wealth is formed.

The more time your money plays with the S&P 500, the more you will have for retirement. It’s an easy formula
Okay for the final graphs, let just say, I don’t know, you’re a 19 year old college student

You have 3500 saved up, and can invest about 350 a month. These numbers WILL BLOW YOUR MIND
5.17 million dollars in growth.

On a $200,000 investment.

This is the key to generational wealth. This is the key to a happy retirement.

Look at the exponential growth of that graph. It’s mind boggling.
The only question is, how does this happen?

DRIP Dividend Reinvesting đź’§

All it takes is a strong company that offers a good dividend, like $O (wink wink)

And a constant funnel of money
The best thing is, you don’t even have to do any research yourself!!

My good friend @HeroDividend has put together the best bulletproof course on dividend stocks to invest in.

Using his strategies, I’ve gotten my yearly income up to $160, (7% ROI) 
Using the code alec30, you’re getting a lifetime of wealth for a little over $10

This really is the best thing on twitter for making long term money

Like anything, investing TAKES TIME, but it’s so unbelievably worth it.

If you learned anything, please RT so others can too!!
You can follow @KaralAlec.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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