As far as I know, they don’t argue as much with other couple’s shippers. The boy x boy shipping itself is already a separate community and they usually mark themselves with 腐 (rotten) on their profile (from the word “fujoshi” 腐女子)+
+ The non-fujoshis usually would just mind their own business... and so is the fujoshis. If they have couples that they “hate” they call that couple a 地雷 (land mine), so they just make sure to avoid those “land mines”. +
+the “land mine” includes plot (for example: r*pe, death, inc*st, und*erage s*x, etc) so if you hate it, just think of it as a land mine and avoid it.+
+ For other couple’s shippers in western fandom that called BKDK toxic, i think it’s because to them personally, BKDK is their “land mine” but instead of avoiding it, they try to find validation as to why they hate the couple (by calling it toxic and stuff)+
+ and keep on stepping on those land mines. I mean, if you hate pizza, there’s no need to argue with people who like pizza.

As for the character itself I think western and JP will differ in perceiving each characters because of language barrier and cultural differences.+
+ Asian culture in general (but ESPECIALLY Japan), is known to NOT use direct words and expressions, and you need to read through the subtle gestures and what’s implied in their words to understand a character.+
+this is also why I predict bakugo won’t put his apology into a direct words, because that’s not how his character is depicted, and their relationship is not some shallow
“I’m sorry for what I did, my friend”,
“yes, I’ve forgiven you already, my friend” kind of dynamic.+
+ So it’s understandable that some (not all) ppl in western fandom didn’t get it, or just simply didn’t like this BKDK dynamic and perceived them as “toxic” based on their own personal perception of the character.”+
+I mean, even how BKDK were depicted in western fanfic and JP fanfics were totally different, so I think it shows difference in perception of the characters, thus create different headcanons for the writers.+
+In all the JP fics and headcanons I read never once I found the writer depict them as “friends” or “best friends”. Their emotion towards each other is often (not always, it depends on the writer) described as this HUGE twisted feeling they couldn’t name,+
+but cannot be described with a word as simple as “love” or “like”. (and the base plot is, because it something unknown and indescribable, Bkg is pissed and project that “pissed” feeling towards Deku, but then he would make peace and finally embrace that emotion)
+ Overall, yes, I think in general JP fandom understand their characters and relationship way better than the western fandom, that’s why BKDK is never depicted as “toxic” in JP fandom.+
+The “fan-wars” and “ship-wars” are most probably wayyyyy less dramatic, because in general (not always) JP people dislike confrontations. And I think we should adopt the “land mine” concept so everyone can enjoy any ships or anything they like in peace✌️
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