Honestly the biggest mic-drop in literature
V.C. Andrews was pretty amazing: a childhood back injury gave her crippling arthritis, and her disability—and poor treatment by others (including her mother) because of it—strongly influenced her narratives. She wrote Flowers in two weeks and “spiced it up” (!) in one night.
Andrews died in 1986. Everything published after that under her name has been ghostwritten by Andrew Neiderman. Obviously true Andrews is superior.
I absolute love this fan website that gives very detailed info on different editions of Andrews' novels and artwork with artist attribution when known. Also a bit on the history of the famous keyhole covers. https://www.completevca.com/lib_doll_attic.shtml
One of the best Andrews artists is the legendary horror artist Lisa Falkenstern.
How much would I pay to have these posters?
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