Memento Mori

You do the right thing because you know you will die

Memento Mori is a large part of Stoicism, and what is it?

Memento Mori is the practice of contemplating your mortality and remembering that death comes to all

In English, translates to "remember you must die"

Sounds kind of morbid and not fun?

I know, but you need this concept in your life; it pushes you to take the right actions
In his letters, Seneca explains the benefit of meditating on death:
"Let us prepare our minds as if we'd come to the very end of life. Let us postpone nothing. Let us balance life's books each day…The one who puts the finishing touches on their life each day is never short of time. "
This idea can seem strange to many people in many cultures

As we have developed a habit of ignoring death in modern society

While it is one of the only things you have in common with everyone else
Thinking about death makes you grateful for every moment with loved ones and friends

Memento Mori takes something painful or scary like death and turns it into a beautiful part of our daily lives, even something to embrace and to not fear
Memento Mori helps you prioritize what matters but reminds you that time is finite

Sitting on the sidelines of life is not the right thing to do

Take time to realize that everyone around you will die

Then take some actions to use your time well today

You won't regret it
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