Just gonna start a MacGyver thread. It won’t be complete but this where you can find my MacGyver notes going forward.
Episode 3: Thief of Budapest...
Sid Haig with surprisingly racist facial hair!
Also there was another network note: helicopters
Bruce Abbott. The MFing Re-Animator is playing a Russian agent!
Ok not the *actual* re-animator. Sorry for the mistake.
Mad Romani stereotypes abound :(
I hate how fun this episode is given the last tweet
Ok integrating 10 minutes of footage from THE ITALIAN JOB kind of dragged things down but... https://twitter.com/MikeLisboa/status/1317322668018966529
S1E13: “Flame’s End”. Thirteen episodes in, the producers start to do some heavy lifting on Mac’s backstory. 22 minutes into the episode and MacGyver hasn’t done a damn thing except emote. But hey, Robert Englund is here playing a nerdy loser so it’s got that going for it.
This episode sucks and is not fun. I hate it.
S1E4 “The Gauntlet”

MacGyver, and by MacGyver I mean 80s TV, was insanely racist. It takes a dim view of all its villains, but especially it’s non-white ones.
An fun thing is that almost every episode has a notable guest star. This time it’s John Vernon. and the best thing about seeing John Vernon in credits is that there’s no concern about who the big bad will be.
Ahem, racist and patriarchal
S1E15 The Enemy Within - “John Wayne would not have been afraid” was a great Cold War bit of dialogue
I may have been overestimating RDA’s acting abilities this whole time
Turns out Mac is really bad at CPR
At least twice so far, MacGyver has escaped from people shooting at him in inflatable modes of transportation which, even by MacGyver standards, is ridiculous.
New episode “Every Time She Smiles”. A very young Teri Hatcher is extremely good in what could have been (and might be!) an extremely terrible role
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