Why you shouldn't support #AlejandraOnieva

A very problematic thread:
1. The video in question below.
This is her mocking people.
These stories have now been deleted.
The first is a video from her brother and the second it's a highlight on her profile where a friend of hers imitates a tribal chant where she added the word 'Savage'
6. Ended racism 😍
Okay this is the end of the thread. Just wanted to say that I edited the pics, but they're not mine, I only take credit for the edit and the comment/followers ones.
- She posted and used a child in need's picture to try a look better, while not giving donations (that we know), and no useful links without even spending one word of her own. This just to look more compatible with her 'boyfriend'.

* credits in pics
- She posted of the victory of Biden/Harris with a dry ass caption when she demonstrated that she was never interested in politics or humanitarian stuff, but just to copy her 'boyfriend' who posted a few hours earlier.
- There is proof that her mother donated LESS than a hundred dollars to a Spanish kids hospital, while being filthy rich, millionaires. She also never showed interest in such matters, that's why her post is hypocritical.

*these info are already online I'm just reposting
- This is a new photo of her from the same 'savage party' where she dressed up as a native inappropriately, disrespecting their culture.

@ credits in Pic
- Because of her and her refusal to apologize and address her mistakes, some fans of Asian, native and Indian origins were targeted, doxxed, bullied, threatened by disgusting people who dare to call themselves fans of S** stan (again, not gonna put his name)
- She continued traveling to Prague (bringing first her manager, then her mother), to Spain, then Mexico. Still during the pandemic.
- Her habits of pr continue as she recently did a whole photoshoot basically equal to the one she did with one of her exes. You can find the pics yourselves if you want to.
- Speaking of hypocrisy, privilege and pr: this is FURTHER proof that she payed to basically get publicity with a more famous person, in hope that if will open Hollywood doors for her without 'working' and 'fast'. Too bad it's failing. Continue 👇🏻
- The first pic is an extract from a quite recent interview where she is hypocritical. She 'struggles bc of the pandemic' , yet she never stopped having fun. Says 'time is money, I don't like losing time' yet she's always around, 'bored' and drawing squares. She doesn't learn.
* the previous pics were roughly automatically translated by Google translate from Spanish.
This is it, for now. Really hoping I won't have to add anymore clownery to this thread.
- Oh yes her shitty brother kept traveling, partying and going around without a mask too lmao seemed way too obvious but still
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