The Money Making Mindset

The last thread you will ever need to read about mindset. After this you will unlock the part of your brain that allows so many others to make money online.
When it comes to getting results as an entrepreneur, it doesn't come down to tactics actually, it has to do with you and how you think and how you work.
When it comes to funnels there is enough proof out there that this model of selling products online works.

Clickfunnels Two Comma Club shows 100’s of people making Millions.

With this in mind, there is nothing stopping it from working for you.
So, it works. Got it. Most likely what is stopping you is your mindset and the frame you are looking at this model through.
Let’s be honest with ourselves, if you aren’t in the position you want to be in.

Chances are you do not know how to focus, you do not have proper work habits, you do not have proper life habits. That is 90% of why most people are ‘failing’.
When most people get into entrepreneurship it is to escape themselves not to learn about themselves. Insecurities about money or status has people chasing pipe dreams and investing $ in exchange for dreams and motivation.
We all make the same mistake getting started. We prioritise tactics and tricks over process.

If your mindset, habits and goals are not aligned.

No tactic will save you.
I really want you to think about when you wake up, how much bullshit do you focus on during a normal day?

Are you capable of sitting down and watching a two hour video without changing your attention?
How about...

Are you capable of sitting down and figuring something out when you run into a wall and a problem even if it doesn't work the first, second or fifth time?
You've probably never done any of those things in your life. If you have then why aren’t you already successful?

 that’s because you thought this would be easy.
At the end of this thread I’m going to outline all the tactics you need to make more money. But without making the mindset change first it’s a wrap they simply won’t work. You need to be able to sit, think and work through this stuff on your own.
If you are a person right now who:

- Can't stop putting bad food in their mouth
- Has poor time management, and can't focus
- Doesn't have a clear set goal
- Always wants the easy route

You need to change these things.
Ok, I’m sure you get it by now. Pick yourself up and let’s fix these things. After today you will no longer be the person that identifies as lazy, slow learner, afraid. NO. The mindset has shifted
. NOW!
First step: Social Media

Is your goal to be famous or to make money? Many of you have been tricked into believing these are the same thing. Not the case.

Delete the socials for 30 days. Go DARK MODE.
Second Step: One Thing Mentality

Dropshipping, SMM, Web Design, Real Estate, Stocks, Crypto...

Bruh it all works, you can make money doing it all. Just for the next 30 days stick with one thing and let’s see if you make $.
Third Step: Straight Line Focus

Once you’ve chosen one thing. Go deeper. Say you chose funnels, you aren’t going to study EVERY single funnel. You are going to laser focus on your exact niche and the best in that area. First 30 days. Your niche, your product, your offer ONLY.
Fourth Step: Time Management

For this week track your time. Spreadsheet or notebook, write down everything you do on the hour and be specific. After that week is done review it and see what you can eliminate. Most likely: Netflix, Gaming and “Chilling”.
Fifth Step: Streamline Your Workflow

Coffee ready, Notes from the day before, To-Do List ready, Computer open to page. Open up and go as soon as you wake up.
Sixth Step: Communication

You don’t need to cut everyone off. But message those important to you and say you are going all in on a project and may be hard to reach. Then turn off notifications and put the phone in another room. If your friends are upset, consider new ones.
Seventh Step: Value First

Your product that you are making has to be good. Apply your focus to ensuring you know everything about your product. Then spend 2 days making and crafting it.

Course = Camera on, record module, repeat until done.
Eighth Step: Honesty With Yourself

Once you understand you will suck at first at whatever you are doing it is easier to do it. Be honest with your audience and yourself. Don’t flex to try and be something you’re not because it will be hard to keep up that fake persona. Be real.
Ninth Step: No Lying

I will help you make SIX FIGURES in 3 days. Cap, cap, cap this is all played out. Don’t lie to your customers. If you will help your customers go from $0-$100 then that is what you sell. Will be smoother in the long run also just don't lie, duh.
Tenth Step: Outline Goals

“My goal is to be rich” vs. “My goal is to make a funnel + webinar and get 100 email sign ups in a month”

See the difference. It is also a lot easier to stick with the latter when times get tough.
Ok - once you have changed these things in your mindset you will be ready to learn about the tactics. Once this gets enough RT’s the funnel tactics and info will drop automatically, your choice.
You can follow @camduncannnn.
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