Boris Johnson
Johnson Interview 2013
Johnson Incompetent and out of touch
German MEP Theresa Reintke’s scathing attack on Boris Johnson: “ Boris Johnson has been lying to the people in the UK.” She urged him to return to the Brexit negotiations and "stop blaming others for your actions."
"These Lies have to stop - Truth has to be spoken"
Johnson Blaming others for his own mistakes
Bercow: "This is a govt that doesn't believe in accountability"
The Infamous "Oven Ready Deal" the Big Lie that won Johnson an 80 seat majority in 2018 General Election
"Why did you make up a quote" Johnson has no integrity as a Journalist or in public office.
Johnson "My strategy is to litter my career with so many decoy mistakes that nobody knows which to attack"
This now seems to be govt policy.
The moment the people of the UK first lost trust in Johnson's govt.
He tries to defend the actions of Dominic Cummings.
Showing that it is now one rule for them and another rule for us.
No ethics in their actions led to no trust from us.
To govern you need the trust of the people
Rachel Johnson reveals her suspicion that Boris Johnson's behaviour may be down to pressure from investors who have invested billions in shorting the pound and the economy. (26/09/19)
Johnson gave this herd immunity speech 3rd February 2020, then went on holiday for two weeks and has delivered the highest Coronavirus death rate in Europe.
Such bad judgement on this, why is he still in charge of the country's future?
Johnson: Mr Shaky Hands - A one man walking super spreader event.(March 2020)
Johnson is a serial liar, an opportunist and a fraud
Piers Morgan - "We have an absolutely woeful government, led by a blustering buffoon, who have got every decision catastrophically wrong on COVID-19.... it's been a disaster."
(Today Show Australia 27/10/20)
“The villains of this piece are Boris Johnson, David Davis and Liam Fox… They completely screwed it up,” says former deputy PM Lord Heseltine. (25/02/19)

“When it comes to leaving the EU we're on our own."
Great thread by Stefan Simanowitz
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