Choosing your wife.

The woman you choose to spend your life with is way more important than you think.

Don't marry someone until you have considered these 9 things

They say you become an average of your 5 closest friends.

Well guess who is going to be numero uno on that list?

Of course, it is your wife.

Better make sure you are okay being influenced by her.
Not only will she heavily influence you,

She will be raising your kids.

Her good and bad qualities will rub off on your children.

Better make sure she is fit to raise your prized offspring
Not only will she rub off on them,

Your children will share half of her DNA.

Did you sculpt your self into the specimen you are

Only to have your kids being diluted by a low quality wench?
A wife is the greatest indicator for how a man should be regarded.

If she is ridiculing him in public, everyone will know they can walk right over him.

If she regards him as the king he is, he will command honor and respect
Proverbs 12:4 -“An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who shames him is as rottenness in his bones.”

A disrespectful wife, is a dreadful decay for man until he is a hollow sack of what could have been

Make sure she holds you to the highest level of respect
You must have Feminine Energy that matches your Masculine Energy.

There is a beautiful dance of balance in relationships.

And modern society has made it difficult to balance with today's overly masculine, women

They have lied and said that we are equal.
Men and women can't do the same things

Men need the creative, intuitive, gentle yin to their yang.

If a woman is overly assertive to fit the narrative that we are the same,
she will suck a man of his masculinity, and even worse, his dignity

A man needs a feminine wife
That is not to say a woman should be weak.

A woman must be strong.

She must reflect what a woman should be to your daughters

And display what to look for in women to your sons.

It takes a strong man to command the respect of strong women.

A man needs a strong woman
A good wife knows there can only be 1 person calling the shots

She is not in any way put down by this

She knows her voice is considered the most when her man makes decisions.

So she gives her input but gives the reigns to her husband
because she trusts his decisiveness.
To quote My Big Fat Greek Wedding..

The man is the head, but the woman is the neck
and she can turn him anyway she wants

Make sure you have a good neck.
Life is about adventure.

And whether you like longer, planned, destination vacations

Or shorter exploratory trips close to home,

Your wife will be tagging along for most of them
Do you really want to never enjoy one of the greatest joys
of life because everything is an argument or because you can't
agree on what to do, how much to spend, or where to go?

Abso-fucking-lutely not.

Pick a wife who amplifies your adventure, not sucks from it.

Today's movements for feminism and equality have brought out
a rampant slew of promiscuous sloots all over western society.

However, your integrity cannot remain in tact if your wife is not
Yours and only Yours.
There are few greater embarrassments than getting cheated on

Pick a loyal wife.
So if you have not found the virtuous woman,


This is too important to settle.

If you have found your match, continue to improve so that you never take her for granted.
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