I just realized that you could make exactly the same statistical observations for violent crime.

The most violent criminals are men, but only by a small gap. There's massive systemic discrimination holding women back in the field of violent crime.

https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2019001/article/00010-eng.htm https://twitter.com/weijima01/status/1316690214572695553
You see the only reason the best violent criminals are male is that there are fewer male violent criminals.

If we stopped discriminating against women and gave them equal participation in violent criminality, they could reach the same peak performance as the best men.
The entire pipeline from normal citizen to serial killer is biased against women:

- criminal gangs are less likely to trust females as enforcers
- the police are less likely to suspect a woman, so less likely to arrest her
- courts are less likely to send her to prison
Many men get crucial training in criminality at a prison, so the fact that fewer women end up there puts them at a systemic disadvantage.

Female prisons are also under-resourced in violence and gangs, which is another disadvantage for women.
Molly Russel's budding criminal career was tragically cut short by gender-based discrimination.

At just 22 she achieved an impressive assault, scarring a man for life with broken glass, but she wasn't even allowed to go to jail! https://metro.co.uk/2019/10/28/woman-scarred-mans-face-pint-glass-spared-jail-told-grow-10999607/
This woman actually ruined a victim's life and left him scarred forever, as well as having several previous achievements in her criminal career such as assaulting police officers.

She didn't even get a single day in prison! Think of the networking opportunities she lost out on!
There's a serious point here.

If we posit that female under-performance in chess is merely a result of lower participation which is caused by bias, are we willing to say the same for violent criminality? Millions of budding female violent criminals are being oppressed?
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