Most ‘stories’ have deeper meaning that we’ve been programmed to not pick up on.
[They] have not allowed us to be privy to truths that have always been in front of us.
Snow White & the Seven Dwarves is one.
Let’s look at Alice in Wonderland.
THREAD/ 👇🏻1/
A white rabbit signifies Spiritual Awakening, and is often looked at as a guide.
Follow The White Rabbit to your spiritual awakening.
Time to WAKE:UP 2/
Lewis Carroll was fascinated by ‘ancient wisdom’. 👈🏻
Alice was trapped in time and space (MATRIX) and fell into the rabbit hole.
We all know the rabbit hole 🕳 is digging for the truth and sometimes you have to go DEEP to get there. 3/
We are trapped by the delusion of ‘self’.
This entire matrix that we have been living in, is designed to keep us busy and distracted.
How do [they] do that? 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
WHAT truths do they want YOU distracted from.
It’s all about YOU.
YOUR truth. 4/
When running into the caterpillar (wise sage), Alice is asked “Who are YOU?!”
Alice’s response?
“Who in the world am I? Ahh, that is the great puzzle.” 6/
Alice was on a quest for truth.
The name Alice is from the Greek word for ‘truth’.
On her journey, Alice changes many times.
She grows larger or shrinks.
Her sense of ‘self’ changes many times during her quest for truth.
Existential confusion. 7/
There’s a way out of the existential confusion.
A key. 🔑
Letting go of the idea of ‘self’ and ‘ego’.
We are all ONE. (WWG1WGA)
Are YOU more than just a human trapped in a cycle of stress, hurt and confusion?
Is there more to this world and to US?
What if you could go in the rabbit hole inside of yourself and find the truth?
What if you are so much more than we’ve been led to believe?
What if we’ve all been under the spell of the matrix to keep you from finding that out?
What if God is greater than what we’ve been taught/told?
Have you questioned EVERYTHING?
What if the truth about God we’ve been taught/told are even more amazing and beautiful than what we can comprehend.
Man is in CONTROL of religion (a guide to God) and everything else in this matrix.
What if we go direct to the source?
When you realize that:
Up is down.
Down is up.
Left is right.
Right is left.
You can question and relearn everything with fresh new “awakened” eyes. 12/
I realize this mini thread is more about questions than answers.
That’s the point.
When you’re ready, this will spark something in you and will all start to make sense.
If this thread rubs you the wrong way, it may be fear/programming.
We’ve been told to question everything.
Doing so has led us to the truth here on earth.
Now, have you questioned EVERYTHING? 👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻
If not, you’re still asleep.
Rip off that bandaid.
Go within and down that rabbit hole.
Find your truth. END/
One more thing:
I don’t think most pick up on the line:
Divided AS humans beings.
#TheMoreYouKnow 👇🏻
Hello ALICE.
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