An intelligent person spends time in the pursuit of art, science, and philosophy.
In contrast, an unintelligent person whiles away time in the indulgence of sleep, disputes or some bad habit. #Subhashitam #Hinduism
It is futile to start digging the well after the house has caught fire!
We should be pro-active and have appropriate response ready in hand even before a problem arises. #Subhashitam #Hinduism
Poison kills but one person at a time, a weapon can destroy many.
Incorrect decisions by the king or his ministers, by contrast, can destroy the entire nation and its citizens.
#Subhashitam #Hinduism
Those who worship the sun everyday will not inherit poverty over thousands of births.
People who are punctual in their duties like the sun will never be poor. #Subhashitam #Hinduism
Greatness is not ascribed at birth; it is rather acquired by qualities possessed by the individual.
It increases progressively like the transformation of milk into yogurt and ghee. #Subhashitam #Hinduism
Results are obtained by hard work and industry; not by daydreaming just as a deer do not enter into the mouth of the idle lion. #Subhashitam #Hinduism
Sage Vidura advises Dhritarashtra, “Your Majesty, people who engage in pleasantries can be easily found. One speaking bitter [truth] and another who listens to him/her are both difficult to find however. #Subhashitam #Hinduism
Wherever fools are not worshiped, there food grains are amply provided with.
Wherever there is no conflict between husband and wife, there wealth comes on her own. #Subhashitam #Hinduism
God does not protect us using a stick like a shepherd
guarding his flock.
He gives intelligence (buddhi) to the person he wishes to protect. #Subhashitam #Hinduism
Great tasks can be accomplished by judicious performance of small things, just as a rope woven together using several strands of grass is able to hold the mighty intoxicated elephant. #Subhashitam #Hinduism
Five characteristics of a fool are: haughtiness, bad mouthing, uncontrollable anger, strongly-held views, and intolerance of opinions held by others. #Subhashitam #Hinduism
Just as the branches of a tree laden with fruit bend downward, the highly cultivated ones bow down out of respect for others. However, the unwise (murkha) are like the dry log that never bends. #Subhashitam #Hinduism
Health, strength, long life and happiness can be obtained from physical exercise (vyayama).
Good health is greatest blessing as it is the means to attain everything.
Knowledge confined to the book and wealth in the hands of others are of no use as they are not available when needed. #Subhashitam #Hinduism
A person whose wife fails to be of good character (sadhvi) and sweet words (priyavadini) at home should leave his home and go to the forest because for him there would be no difference between a forest and his home. #Subhashitam #Hinduism
There is nothing that is absolutely and unconditionally good in all respects; there is nothing that is absolutely and unconditionally bad in all respects.
Both good and bad are discernible in all deeds good or bad. #Subhashitam #Hinduism
One who is resigned to destiny is powerless and timid.
The powerful and mighty with self-esteem do not attach
any importance to destiny or fortune (daivam). #Subhashitam #Hinduism
Even when grown in camphor, musk or ganga jal, will the Onion give up its pungent odour? #Subhashitam #Hinduism
A lazy, wicked or rogue person can never earn wealth.
Nor does the one who worries about others' reactions to one’s deeds or the one who waits too long for a good opportunity earn it. #Subhashitam #Hinduism
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