A thread: Financial Slavery 101:

My name is Cheryl Corbett and I am no longer a practicing CPA. Within one week of working at a Public Accounting Firm I knew the tax system were rigged. Over 20 years ago I realized the rich did not pay their correct
portion of taxes and there are rounding errors in all tax returns that work in the favor of the IRS, not the taxpayer. I worked on the floor of the stock market for two days. That was all I could take. There is something to be said for the movie “The Wolf
on Wall Street”. While many may not agree with what I have written below, I ask that you step out of your comfort zone and look at this from an Average Citizen rather than focus solely on your job or contribution.
I believe most have their heart in the right place. They were raised to chase the American dream; go to college, get a job, get married, buy a house, have kids and retire. However, as I look over my past 28 years, I can honestly say most of my friends
don’t have any savings, are not able to go on vacation or celebrate holidays or birthdays because the American dream lifestyle is in fact a scam perpetuated by the mainstream media, movies and television. Below is an estimate of what the American Dream is
costing per person over 40 years. This is only an estimate as it does not include student loans or mortgage refinancing which many continue to pay beyond 40 years. Throw in caring for an elderly parent or a sick child and that raises the costs again bringing
in the opportunity for a third job. This schedule does not include the heavily inflated cost of a house or automobile or the hefty down payment for closing costs required to buy a home.
Luckily for the IRS, I am not greedy. I do not need to charge a 25% penalty. If you take the time to research the IRS, The Federal Reserve Bank and Property Taxes, you will find these are all pipelines to create division and to ultimately eliminate the middle
class. There is a book, Behold a Pale Horse written by William A. Cooper. He depicts the true corruption these organizations support. Any entity that taxes their people is demonstrating poor leadership. The IRS taxes were created to be assigned to government
employees to help offset the costs. Property taxes were assigned to individuals who were on the IRS tax scrolls at the time. We should never be taxed on Mother Earth’s land. We are the only species existing who pays tax on Earth’s abundant gifts.
With enlightenment and integrity this can be easily corrected. I am asking from the heart for God to assist us in claiming our sovereignty from financial slavery. The whole tax filing process should be eliminated. It is just a bunch of over-thought
calculations to spin you around and drive you crazy. Upper and Lower Limits rules are applied to basic math to further confuse both the tax preparer and taxpayer. Processing a tax return is NOT rewarding and it does not add value or contribute to the
betterment of our planet. To muddy the waters and make it almost impossible to break from the system, they have created so many laws that it would be impossible to know them all. These laws are written in such a way that they are difficult to understand, and
therefore challenge. This legal system has created many agents known today as lawyers, accountants, policeman, pharmaceutical salesman, doctors, nurses, teachers and insurance agents.

Constitutional Law is the Supreme Law of our Land.
The Constitution was created by our great forefathers who had the foresight to create a document that would guide us through troubled times. I don’t think half of the politicians that are in office can spell constitution.
Politicians come into power under the guise of working for the people. Many of them leave office millionaires. I cannot find a single politician that has made a real difference. For example, I live in Orange County, NY.
I see many Hasidic Jews taking advantage of the system. I know for a fact in Orange County NY, the Hasidic community does what it wants, when it wants with zero ramifications. Many towns try to fight it, but our local mayors sold out and clearly the rich
people in the towns look the other ways while the poor class is left holding the bag. To ME, politicians are pillars of derailment. They waste time, bottleneck and make everything more expensive.

Politician = Police
Main purpose of politics (created in 1800’s) is to police the cattle, now referred to as sheep meaning us. Police US!
This corruption has infiltrated the Family Court System. One cannot get easily divorced. A father cannot reduce a child support payment over the phone, but they have no problem increasing it over the phone. The alimony and child support calculation is based
on gross, NOT net. It takes a minimum of 3 days for your probation officer to get back to you. That is if they call you back at all. Any judge that allows this is either part of the system or is completely unconscious. I know plenty of depressed dads,
not deadbeat dads. The Family Court system in NJ is designed to destroy the family and anyone who takes part in implementing these laws should be punished heavily. There are no criminals here, just heads of household who have fallen on hard times due to the
debt slavery system. How is it that taxes go up every year but we are in more debt then ever? If you were to do the math of all the taxes you’ve paid and multiply by the thousands of people in your communities, then the millions at the state
level, you would truly have to ask the very frustrating question, “Where are my tax dollars going?”
Insurance is another scam we’ve been told we can’t live without. It may have worked for your grandparents and maybe somewhat for your parents, but now when
you try to use it, there is always a problem. When you do use it your premiums and deductible go up. By the time you add all of the dollars you paid to insurance you could have fixed your car, rebuilt your home and worked with a doctor on affordable
and proper care all by yourself. You get nothing in return for your dollars exchanged. I will not go into the medical cures and technology being suppressed right now, but I do suggest you take the time to roll up your sleeves and look into it. You can save a
family member, friend or neighbor from a costly, undue medical process.

It is not correct when someone runs your credit report and your credit score decreases. If you are in legal battle with a bank and agree on a lower amount,
the original full amount appears on your credit report, the true lower balance less your payments applied. It is a downright law. Because there is a law in place, that makes it ok.

Now back to the money we frivolously spend just to live. As a direct result
financial slavery, this is what is has cost us:
I applaud Anna Von Reitz, an attorney who is highly respected and well spoken. She can speak to the proper legal way for all of us to get out of the system. Unfortunately, the process is so difficult and timely that many are unaware or overwhelmed with
how to get started. I cannot speak enough to Anna for the education she has provided. Her work and due diligence speaks volume to her dedication to our Beloved Country but I am asking for a process to be distributed where an average person can be easily freed
from the system.

Freedom from financial slavery is very easy to implement (aside from the war from the powers that be and the everyday agents who defend their jobs).
1.The IRS and Insurance payment pipeline can be easily terminated, and nothing would be impacted. These dollars go right to the elite. If anything, the economy would increase for the better.
http://2.Property  Taxes should be eliminated altogether. You do not need
a permit to fix or build a deck on your home.
3.All Loan payments can be easily stopped & erased to give everyone a fresh start. I find it extremely difficult with all the money that we have paid, that we are not able to receive debt forgiveness.
4.Electricity, Gas, Oil, Propane, Wi-Fi, Telephone are all forms of energy gifted to us from our Beloved Gaia. There is technology available via Sunlight, Natural Resources & Galactic Energy to utilize with ease and grace from the earth
to supply every human with ample heat, electricity, gas for your vehicle and telephone/cell phone capabilities for free. (please note: we are not only paying for this service, we are getting taxed on it as well).
5.Mother Earth is very rewarding to all who
appreciate her. There is plenty of amazing food, clean and fresh water and free energy to use at our disposal.
http://6.As  for jobs, look around. Many stand around and do not put in a full 8 hour day. We all know this to be true. There will be new effective jobs
that will be created and give others the time to pursue the creativity and uniqueness that we can share with the world. Talents that have been suppressed due financial enslavement. We do not need a $1200 stimulus check. We need our hard earned dollars
returned to us with interest. We need free energy, reliable, medical technology activated to reduce the illness and stress piled on top of us and we need punishment to come fast and furious to those who do not respect their fellow humanity.
Why are we wasting time negotiating for $1200? Where is the gold that was stolen so many years ago? Where is the $2.3 trillion Donald Rumsfeld announced on September 10th, 2001? Is Nesara real and was it supposed to be announced on 9/11/2001? I would like the
American People to have these answers. The gold belongs to US!

This was written with the intent to open your heart and allow you to envision a better life. Imagine true financial freedom. A world where you are free to work or find something you are
passionate about and pursue it without worrying about how to pay outrageous bills. We were not meant to work 8-hour days, commute an hour each way and be paid on salary where we really work 10 or 12-hour days. I put myself through 11 years of school to become
a CPA only to be subjected to the true corruption. I have made the decision to end that career and add value elsewhere. I have my own business and we proudly empower our customers to let them know they are deserving of great things. We ask everyone
to dream big from the heart. And to all those who still serve the outdated system, you will ultimately have to answer to God for demonstrating zero compassion to another one of his children by charging them an unfair rate or looking the other way because you
were “just doing your job” or “its the law”.
We American’s have suffered from military lives lost and their families reaping the brunt – Bill Clinton lying directly to the American People – Al Sharpton yelling at whatever he can whenever he can – the
Opiate Crisis, Paying for Electric and Gas for several years, the Loss of JFK, RFK & MLK and many others who were a voice for the betterment of the country.

I recently wrote a letter to President Trump asking him if I can assist in speeding up
the process to Financial Freedom. I am asking all of you to RT and offer your services. I do not know what the answer is, but I am asking for it and I am asking our President to give us a status on Nesara and/or Financial Freedom. While we were asleep
in signing up for credit cards, mortgages, auto & student loans, we were not malicious. The underbelly of Washington DC was malicious. Please educate your parents, friends and family on the financial corruption that has been in play for well over
70 years and designed to keep us trapped and our children trapped. I know there is a plan in place, and I do not mean to disturb. I want to contribute and support. My sole intention is to educate all on the deceit and stupidity that surrounds us all.
We as a collective need to say, NO MORE! I am tired of watching recent videos of corruption and not knowing the truth. Hunter with crack pipes, Nancy and her hair salon, HRC Benghazi, General Flynn and now SEAL TEAM 6. We the People deserve respect and
substantial restitution from our government swiftly and mighty.
I am asking for financial freedom to be granted upon us just like the Stimulus Checks were, in our mailbox with ease and grace.
I believe in Our President, Our Military and Our Country with all My Heart,

Deepest Respect and Love,

Cheryl A. Corbett

@WhiteHouse @realDonaldTrump @Jim_Jordan @GenFlynn @cjtruth @prayingmedic @martingeddes @QohnG @familyman20181 @Steel19741
@SeanCordanon @intheMatrixxx

As long as you feel comfortable, I am asking my Twitter Friends to please share as I am heavily shadowbanned. I would be grateful.

And to not forget 2 more #Patriots @RealAndrewJShaw @realmrsandyshaw
You can follow @CherylandCody.
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