
"This article was deleted after having been up for 10 years.... because this exposes the current hoaxed plandemic which they tried 10 years ago but couldn’t get away with, so gave up.

Now the mainstream & social media are fully co-opted... #News
...& the globalist elites have planned it better to commit the fraud more convincingly, they’ve tried again with #coronavirus.

This is a VERY important article I found backed up on the Internet archive, way back machine. But they may purge this too."

"Why The #WHO Faked A Pandemic"

by Michael Fumento

"The World Health Organization has suddenly gone from crying "The sky is falling!" like a cackling Chicken Little to squealing like a stuck pig.
The reason: charges that the agency deliberately fomented swine flu hysteria.
..."The world is going through a real pandemic. The description of it as a fake is wrong & irresponsible," the agency claims on its Web site. A WHO spokesman declined to specify who or what gave this "description," but the primary accuser is hard to ignore.

The Parliamentary...
..Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a #HumanRights watchdog, is publicly investigating the #WHO's motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the "false pandemic" is... " of the greatest medicine scandals of the century."

Even within the agency, the director of the #WHO Collaborating Center for Epidemiology in Munster, #Germany, Dr. Ulrich Kiel, has essentially labeled the pandemic a hoax. "We are witnessing a gigantic misallocation...
..of resources [$18 billion so far] in terms of public health," he said. They're right. This wasn't merely overcautiousness or simple misjudgment. The pandemic declaration & all the Klaxon-ringing since reflect sheer dishonesty motivated not by medical concerns but political ones
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