*Thread on Tatas*

Tatas were BJP's biggest donors via the dubious electoral bonds. Ratan Tata has endorsed Modi, giving him credibility amongst cosmopolitan and middle class Indians.

Tatas are *enablers* not victims or 'silent bystanders' of Hindutva / BJP
Here's the "quiet, respectable" Ratan Tata paying obeisance to RSS founder Hedgewar at Nagpur.

He also looks happy in the company of Pujya Pujari Bhagwat ji, the bigoted Hindutva ideologue.
Ratan Tata actively supporting BJP /Hindutva campaign during 2019 Lok Sabha elections.

The same guys who are today trying to malign Mumbai and topple SS-INC-NCP govt in his home state Maharashtra.
You may argue that Tatas need to butter up the govt to protect their business, charitable institutions, jobs they create, etc

But that's selfish & short-sighted. Protecting your business while the country burns & millions suffer as a direct consequence of you supporting fascism?
'Need to protect my business & legacy so I support bigots' logic is an insult to millions who die and suffer due to this enablement.

Students, activists, farmers, upright ordinary citizens are risking lives and livelihoods while privileged like Ratan Tata get a free pass. Why?
Tatas are an institution. They stand for trust. It's important how they navigate and *who* they 'allow to benefit' from that legacy today.

JRD Tata famously stood up to Indira Gandhi. Ratan Tata too can do the right thing & not be on the wrong side history as a Hindutva enabler.
As for the #tanishq fiasco, why just blame faceless, random "trolls spreading hate". Who funds the govt that employs / empowers them?

Which corporates advertise on channels that spew bigotry 24×7?

These corporates are *enablers* of the fascism we see today. That includes Tatas.
In any case, buttering up fascists has never helped anyone for long. When you ride a fascist tiger, the tiger will eventually eat you up.

The #tanishq fiasco is nothing but the hateful chickens coming home to roost for Tatas.

Tatas deserve to be called out, not sympathy.
The ONLY ones who deserve applause for the beautiful #tanishq ad are the creative directors and brand managers who greenlighted it.

Tanishq is promoted by Ratan Tata. Sympathising with Tanishq while not calling out Tata's fascist enablement is missing the woods for the trees
#tanishq withdraw the ad coz its 'employees received threats'. A Muslim Brand Manager was particularly targeted, his details leaked by RW

Why could Tatas with ALL their resources not protect him?

Tatas are bigger than Bajaj & Parle-G. It could have CHOSEN to stand up to bullies
We didn't empathise with Bollywood when they enabled bullies & didn't stand up for themselves.

Why then are we empathising with Tatas who have also enabled bullies and have caved in?

Instead, support the poor & marginalised who *are actually on the streets fighting for India*
RW threatened and trolled the *Muslim* brand manager of #tanishq as he's an easy target. They won't bash Ratan Tata as they need his deep pockets.

Left /liberals will bash *anon, faceless trolls* as they are easy targets. Some will continue defending instead of calling out Tata
Then we have 'esteemed liberals' like @PritishNandy. A former editor, he can't possibly be unaware of Tata's enablement of BJP. Or is he deliberately failing to join the dots?

Those agreeing with him are part of the problem - all gunning for Tiny Trolls, not Big Daddy Funders
Mr @PritishNandy was admirably a staunch critic of Emergency. Now he needs lessons on 'Fascism Enablement'.

And some history books and long lists of German corporates who funded & enabled Nazis.

As the saying goes, 'If 9 people join 1 Nazi at a table, you have 10 Nazis'
Tatas are a "quiet and respectable group that sidesteps controversy" says @PritishNandy

Sure. Enabling a govt that's caused economic ruin, social divisions, violence, political and institutional rot, social media abuse, etc and then keeping quiet is "sidestepping controversy"
So guys, pls don't miss the trees for the woods. Stop being ignorant and defensive of those who have enabled BJP-RSS & brought us to this point.

Don't focus on tiny trolls who are earning as you outrage. Call out the Tatas who legitimise /fund the govt that's created the trolls.
Some folks are finding it hard to digest that 'Tatas are fascist enablers'. Unsurprising. It's a brand we've all known and loved. Literally, Tata ka namak khaya hain.

But it's *precisely* this emotion that's leveraged by BJP to gain legitimacy

Don't let emotions cloud reason
Folks saying 'Tatas do a lot charitable work and employ millions so have to look after them'

Dude. Tell this to countless farmers, migrants, minorities, activists jailed, killed or suffering under the current dispensation.

If a fascist is good to you, he remains a fascist.
These Sanghi bigots are so predictably stupid.

And as usual, they'll scapegoat a Muslim.

Here's another dubious episode from the House of 'honest and trustworthy' Tatas.

Pls read thread 👇 https://twitter.com/sohinichat/status/1316573515286536193?s=19
"Ethical" Tatas. Not. https://twitter.com/meenakandasamy/status/1316327191463034880?s=19
@MonaAmbegaonkar please read this story. Shocking. We don't see these kinds of ethical investigative reports today.
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