
Why did Chanra-swami suddenly stopped helping Harshad?
Also cornered him by freezing his accounts, assets, both brothers in jail, 72 CBI cases and 2000 Cr notice against his wife?

A thread into history 1991

Rajiv Gandhi assassinated suddenly in election campeign
Narsimha Rao was brought back from retirement to head a trusted minority Govt of Congress

Other trusted guys are MMS (Finance minister) and Chidambaram (Commerce minister)

Rao's right hand man was Chandra-swami (or other way around)

On becoming PM, Rao stopped visiting Sonia
and wanted to break free of Gandhi family. But it was weak minority Govt so he had to take everyone along

Here in mumbai, Harshad was doubling money every month and all businessmen and politicians were after him to double their money

Politicians also included Rao and many
other Congress politicians. That also included Chidambaram

Once scam on full force, Rao and Chandra-swami started putting pressure on Harshad Mehta to name congress politicians who were out of favour with Rao.

This was one way of getting control on congress flock for Rao
It is alleged that Chidambaram's Wife, Nalini had taken "promotor quota" stake in Harshad Mehta's other Company

"fair-Grow (Sister of Grow more ) (link at the end of thread)

So Rao was trying to use Harshad Mehta as a pawn in larger game of power chess

Harshad being so
street smart, understood the game and the fact that he is in chakravuh and getting out is close to impossible

So he decided to hold Chandra-swami and Rao by the balls and tell them who is the bull here

He went public with Jethmalani ( who was close to LKA) about bribe to PM
He had coordinated bank withdrawals, flight tickets and also gate pass to PM's house in/out slip.

So he could establish in the eyes of media and ppl that PM took the bribe

That solved many problems for Harshad
1. He became favourite ally of opposition who was targeting sitting PM

2. He became ally of Sonia and grp by targeting Rao personally

3. He became favourite of Media (media wants just more headlines, this way of that way)

4. brought Rao on negotiation table and he was never
touched again till congress was in power

5. Became hero again in eyes of people who was victim of big guys

Such genius he was to come out of it unharmed
this is not a dig on congress, just history the way i see it. Politicians of all parties need unlimited money for unlimited power, reality of any democracy, I am not judging anyone.
seems there are not many people interested in the story, in my head, this story sounded pretty exciting. Strange, what goes viral on twitter and what dies without a buzz :)
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