Data strongly suggests that, over the last 6-8 wks, HHS has preferentially shifted testing resources to states that are friendly to Trump, or essential to his re-election.

If you're an investigative journalist interested in following this thread, please reach out to me directly.
Here's one example. This is a histogram of HHS-funded community based testing sites that have recently opened, according to state.

The higher the bar, the more testing sites available in that state, funded by federal dollars.
There are other examples, like the locations of HHS funded "surge" testing sites, the distribution of rapid tests, and the purchase of lab equipment using Congressional funding.
Valid point, but that’s not how it works. I know because I lead a volunteer effort that has been providing a national testing location directory to FEMA directly (and HHS via FEMA) since mid-March.
The data is compelling, but there needs to be further investigation to understand why someone in the Administration felt that Iowa, for example, warranted nearly 7 times as many sites than Wisconsin.
And this is why it matters— Trump and Senate Republicans have been dragging their feet on a new stimulus for so long that people have lost their insurance and can’t afford to pay $100+ for a #COVID19 test.

If Trump is also playing politics w/ access to free testing sites... 😡
Trump said the soft part aloud:
It turns out that even within "blue" states, the locations of the HHS-funded sites themselves favor Republican-rep'ed districts.
In California, for example, the HHS-funded sites are found in Kevin McCarthy and Devin Nunes's stomping grounds.

CC @DevinCow
Trump clearly knows where his bread is buttered in Pennsylvania.
Just going to leave this related example, here:
HHS pays for testing at certain Walgreens stores.

Of note, they use the Abbott ID NOW system; it should NOT be used *on its own* to diagnose #COVID19. If used inappropriately, it can fuel an outbreak— just ask the White House


CC @COVIDOversight
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