I urge everyone to take a moment to consider what overturning Roe v Wade would truly mean. Of course it opens the door for states that are so inclined to completely ban abortion, but what does that REALLY look like? 1/
Will miscarriages be investigated by law enforcement? Will women and doctors have to prove they weren't induced? Will women who miscarry at home be subject to the additional trauma of collecting fetal remains for inspection? 2/
When D&C or D&E is necessary due to death of the fetus, molar pregnancy, or ectopic pregnancy, what legal hoops will women and doctors have to jump through? Assuming there are exceptions for the life and health of the mother, who decides and on what criteria? 3/
For example, if a pregnancy is is likely to cause complications that would lead to premature death, but the threat of death isn't imminent, will the woman be forced to continue the pregnancy? How immediate must the threat to life be? 4/
Will women who attempt to end their pregnancies be prosecuted? As over half of women who seek abortions already have other children, what will happen to those children and families? 5/
Will women be prosecuted for actions believed to have contributed to a miscarriage? What about employers? And what will this mean for women's ability to do jobs that could put a pregnancy at risk? 6/
And we know most laws are not enforced and prosecuted evenly. It's not hard to imagine that certain women and families will be subject to more aggressive investigation or harsher penalization regarding their pregnancy outcomes. In fact this already happens. 7/
Imagine a woman in the process of losing a wanted pregnancy put through a legal investigation to determine if she had attempted to terminate the pregnancy. Or a woman with sepsis and a dying fetus being denied a D&E until cardiac activity stops (as happened in Ireland in 2012) 8/
Imagine a mother going to jail and losing custody of her children because she couldn't prove the fall that caused her miscarriage wasn't intentional. Imagine those children losing their mother and growing up in foster care. 9/
But I also have hope for a post-Roe world, because the majority of Americans-even those who identify as pro-Life- do not desire the above scenarios. Most understand how personal and complex pregnancy and pregnancy loss can be. 10/
Roe being overturned would also present an opportunity for a legislative solution. If the right of women to make their own reproductive choices were codified in Federal law, we wouldn't have to depend on SCOTUS to adjudicate the limits of privacy in reproduction 11/11
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