To understand why Social Justice (woke) advocates think the way they do, you need to understand that they have been completely poisoned with cynicism.

This is why they act like they "see right through your bullshit" even when you are being 100% honest.

Let me explain:
When I say poisoned with cynicism, I mean that woke people have adopted a worldview that says that the words and actions of other people are not to be trusted or taken at face value:
This means that the woke view every conversation or discussion with a person who disagrees with them like it is a conversation with a dishonest car salesman, and the goal is to unmask the "real motives" of the other person.

The existence of hidden motives is assumed...
so when you talk to a woke person their goal is not to get clear about what you mean so they can figure out if you're right.

Their goal is to expose the hidden motives, selfish reasoning, and unconscious biases; which they assume you have before the discussion even begins.
as such, the woke approach conversations like they see right through whatever is said to them. The woke think they see everyone else's hidden motives and what others are "really up to," and they see themselves as wise to the power games they think everyone else is playing.
Further, the woke think they can see the way everyone else has been "duped by the system" into believing things that are not true without knowing it, and how other people are just believing things because they have been brainwashed by society to believe them.
The result is when a woke person talks to you they are going to go ignore what you are trying to argue and instead try to show people "what's really going on here" in terms of some story about how you are just trying to gain an advantage for yourself...
Here is a perfect example of what I mean:
Reihan Salam ( @reihan) begins to give his opinion on a topic, and Eddie Glaude reacts to it by performatively saying "nice move" in a way that insinuates that Reihan was making a totally disingenuous argument to hoodwink everyone.
This is because the woke think they see right through everyone else, and have a sort of paranoid cynicism that makes them think they can see that everyone who disagrees with you does so for dishonest reasons.

Imagine being in a relationship with someone who thinks like that:
Him: "Want to watch a movie?"
Her: "You just want to sleep with me."
Him: "That wasn't what I was suggesting"
Her: "You can't fool me"
Him: "Fine, maybe the guys want to watch the game"
Her: "so now you're ditching me tonight cause I wont sleep with you?"

It's like that...
No matter what the guy says he can't win because she has already decided that everything he is saying is done with hidden motives in mind, or out of some need to control her or make her jealous.

This is how the woke think, and why a functional dialogue with them is so hard.
Because they ASSUME that you are acting on bad intentions, biases you absorbed from the culture, hidden motives, and self-interest before the conversation even starts, it becomes impossible to actually have a real conversation with them.

Imagine thinking this:
Terrific day today!
-Called many people out as racist and sexist to raise awareness
-Walked past a loving family, told myself it's a patriarchy
-Saw a couple, reminded myself they're hetero-normative
-Listened to favorite album, but deleted it upon realizing it was racist
-had a tough time deciding, do I read White Fragility, watch feminist youtube, or read more about antiracism and how I'm supposed to "do the work" even though "the work is never done."
-I feel so glad to have all these activists tell how I'm supposed to think, feel, and act.
-Reminded myself I am woke and I understand society better than all these racist white males
-I went on a date asked my date if he was feminist. He said he wasn't so I educated him. He also said he had to leave early, which I was honestly fine with cause he wasn't a feminist
-accidentally watched a movie with a racist actor in it and now I feel like a total failure, so I went on twitter to confess that I have to do better.
-going to do self care and eat all my favorite snacks. Felt bad about eating poorly, then felt worse for fat shaming myself
This is how you'll start thinking when you become convinced EVERYTHING is about hidden motives and unconscious biases.

You end up thinking everything is "rooted" in some horrible evil and you won't be able to engage with people or ideas on their own terms.

It's poison.
So, keep this in mind when a woke person ignores your evidence or arguments and starts in on your intentions or calling you biased. This is what they do, and you just have to work at getting the conversation back on track, and getting the evidence back on the table.
Don't let woke cynicism get to you.

Stick to your guns and argue in the clear understanding of what your principles are and what you believe.

You can follow @wokal_distance.
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