Morning Routine To Activate Your Brain.

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If you learn how to learn faster, you could learn anything faster and you can apply it towards everything else.

You create habits and then, your habits create you.

My morning routine is really focused on activating my brainpower.
1) Remember Your Dreams

This is because some of the most incredible inventions and works of art and literature come from a dream state.

So, what are you dreaming about late at night that you're forgetting in the morning that could be solving your biggest challenges in life?
2) Make Your Bed

This is good for your brain because you want to start your day in excellence.

How you do anything is how you do everything as you know.

So, you want to start with a win because your brain likes to build on success.
3) Drink Water

Why do I do that?

Because your brain and body is 70% water and you lose a lot of water while you sleep, so I want to be super hydrated.
4) Take A cold Shower

This helps lower inflammation. It resets your nervous system and your brain.

To clear brain fog, lower inflammation and one of the best ways to do that is a cold shower.
5) Journal

I start with gratitude.

Gratitude rewires your brain and puts you in a state of optimal performance where you feel your best and act your best.

Forgiveness and gratitude go a long way.
6) Exercise

Research shows by far, those who exercise in the morning have better performance.

You don't have to do your full workout, but you need to exercise for a few minutes.
7) Deep Breathing

Whatever breathing method that you do, it's really important that it's deep because the lower one-third of your lungs absorb two-thirds of the oxygen and that's a brain tip for most people.
8) Read 30 minutes A Day

That's where my work comes because readers are leaders.

That's one of my success habits every day. Everybody has to read for at least 30 minutes a day.

Do something physical, and do something mental. Change your brain, change your life.
Create your own morning brain routine, It doesn't have to be a lot. Even a 3 step routine can help jumpstart your mind and morning.

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Indeed, the mind is incredibly powerful, if used properly.

Either our mind is used to our advantage or it’s used to our detriment.

This is because a mind that’s not being used fully is a mind that's not achieving its purpose.
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