How NaMo is Stopping the Africanisation of India.

Very few would have realised that India was on a path of religious Africanisation ,i e, becoming another Africa in terms of religious and cultural conflicts.

Vatican has been on a move to+
consistently convert Hindus into Xtians ,specially in southern states and tribal areas of East and North east.

On the other hand, Saudi petro dollars were being used to settle Ms refugees from Bangladesh and Rohingyas from Myanmar .

Africa had gone through this process and one+
can see the growth of Xtians and Ms in Africa in the recent past in the graph above and subsequent decline of native religions which believed in pluralism and animism and reflected the ethnicity of people.

Below is current distribtn of Africa religion wise
Have you ever wondered how the villages in coastal areas of South India or border regions of West Bengal and Seemanchal in Bihar and elsewhere where there are Xtians and Ms in large populations have towering churches and mosques despite the majority of population being poor and+
dependent on subsidy etc for livelihood.

It was all Vatican and Petro dollars from Saudi Arabia and UAE etc in an attempt to change the demography of India gradually.

It was an undeclared informal race between Xs and Ms to convert large number of Hindu population into their+
respective religions ,the phenomena which has been witnessed by Africa in the last 2 centuries,hence the term 'Africanisation'.

What were the consequences?

Religious and cultural conflicts,tribal warfares, birth of extremist organisations like Boko Haram+
and Al shabab with multiple genocides, and mass killings to make people adhere to stringent inhuman Sharia law.

It resulted in maiming and killing of people not in thousand and lakhs but in millions,mass rapes as a tool of warfare, countries being pushed on the edge of failure+
and bankruptcy, failure of security apparatus etc.

Only difference was that in case of Africa the targets were local tribal groups, while in India the target group for conversion is the Hindu population.

This process of Africanisation of India halted with the change of govt in
India in 2014 and coming of NaMo back to back in power.

The flow of Euros from Vatican and dollars from Saudis through dubious NGOs declined massively due to FCRA Amendments, ban on illegal NGOs etc.Add to it the step of Demonetisation whose effects in all spheres will be +
visible only on long term.

Anyone aware of ground situation can tell how the construction of big mosques and churches with foreign funding in rural areas and outskirts of towns and cities have either stopped or slowed down,with not a brick added in last 6 years in some cases.

Not to forget how recent CAA Act will curb illegal immigration from Bangladesh and Myanmar.

Had UPA-3 happened in 2014,India would have been heading towards becoming another Africa ,Hindus maimed with partisan bills like Communal Violence Bill, foreign funding would have +
continued unabated and the region would have become prone to conflicts in near future.

UCC,Anti conversion bills etc would stop this process completely in future,whenever it happens.

Currently, the southern states like Tamil Nadu and Kerala need to wake up and smell the coffee+
of reality of demographic change and vote accordingly so that foreign funding does not make the states vulnerable to conflicts in future endangering lives of coming generations of Hindus, whichever caste and creed they belong to.

- End.
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