lwj enigma and yllz alpha.......
i have not made enough research on enigmas but i am now thinking about a laid back but threatening aura-lwj who could subdue anyone at Any given time..but he doesn't do that.. what if he just..ppl think he's an alpha..wwx alpha thinks so too...the possibilities
The gc is on FIRE. Nmj enigma, not a surprise to anyone. but secretly nhs enigma too. He's king.
and then the whole assumption thing abt lwj Who is Also hiding This fact
i'm just gonna say it: enigma double cock agenda. the reason lwj never reveals his body. keeps it a strict secret. his scent is very..mild.. meanwhile everyone knows nmj is one. and nhs? Nhs probably tucks. Just so he can fit into his 'safe role' without expectations (yet)
enigmas are very wanted and sought after. The nie clan cant just tell everyone they have TWO currently. Ppl would be like 'what else are they hiding?'
Nmj is kind of a perfect example of what ppl think enigmas are. They're rare so they dont rlly have anything to compare to..
the thing i'm referring to: https://twitter.com/suibunnies/status/1315761910843932675
- enigmas have the ability to subdue their scent. lwj is good at it. lwj tries to pass off as an alpha by just toning his own scent down. his overall behavior and position in the gusu lan make it logical for him to 'be an alpha'
- while nhs tries to pass off as beta, needs help
nhs uses exterior help like items and things for scent regulation...and lwj just trains discipline...
but oh boy when he meets wwx.. suddenly he wants to scent him and be all over him and do things to him..this unruly alpha who keeps flirting and running around confident
enigmas cum a lot. good breeders. their scent makes omegas go fucking wild. it makes their bodies fertile and also causes them to go into heat more often.. and those are some extreme heats.. so..mxy!omega, wwx is reincarnated in his body..and in post canon he's just so Horny 247
Enigmas dont have ruts or heats but When they get horny they get intense horny ..and yeah nhs knows Everything and he has seen nmj cause heats so he has to step in post canon to tell lwj to fuckin regulate his horny Please . While others just think wwx is very ill
The reveal in the inn scene. Lwj slightly tipsy. he wears Pants (CLOSED CROTCH) while bathing. They end up in bed. Lwj just leans over wwx and he just goes like.. wei ying i have to tell you something.. that i'm an enigma. and this causes all sorts of reactions in wwx
lwj is drunk so his scent control is slipping a bit and that tiny bit of escaped enigma scent makes wwx soo pliant.. lwj respects him. he could claim him no problem (enigmas could claim multiple ppl) but he will Wait until wwx is more coherent later..but damn the double pp reveal
wwx instant slick.... lwj eats him out and later when they're in the temple, jgy (and everyone) can smell lwj all over wwx.
and jgy is like You two bonded?
wwx: ??!!?
lwj: ...... (let him believe that)
(just saying that i would like this omegaverse to be w two holes on omegas so then lwj could fuck both holes. with his Breeding cock and Lubing cock at the same time and there'd only be a thin wall between. Also, belly bulge obviously. Lots of cum. enigma cum is special.)
back to the past: maybe wen ruohan was an enigma too. he did bad things, like forcibly claimed multiple people, and in general just acted like an ass. maybe that ruined the enigma reputation..(so there's this bad vibe) Also, ppl know enigmas tend to get in leader positions.
so many possibilities!!
- canon au where e!lwj and a!wwx > wwx is reborn in o!mxy's body
- no war/everyone lives au in a setting where everyone can get preggy and a!wwx doesnt think its possible but e!is capable of that 😊 thank lyra for that ❤️❤️
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