well hello there! I'd like to introduce to you a little non-binary wonder called....

made in 2016, this chart (along with the genders in it) were made for non-binary people who were at the time being put into a new binary by being expected to label themselves as either 'male-aligned' or 'female-aligned'. 2/11
this posed a clear problem of misgendering and expecting non-binary people to... not really be the diverse spectrum that non-binary as an umbrella term encompasses.

so terms were coined to help nb people explain themselves in ways that weren't strictly male or female. 3/11
wanting to be as disconnected from that binary as possible, the creators turned to the stars and celestial bodies to expand the language non-binary people could use for themselves, as a way to help. 4/11
there is always problems with this sort of categorisation because inevitably it will always miss and overlook something. someone. but they tried their hardest to be inclusive, and they did a pretty good job! a lot of nb people were happy with the terms, flags, and symbols. 5/11
SO I guess it's time to talk about the 'building blocks' of The Galactian Alignment Chart

and I'd say this (modified) graphic I found on google is a pretty good starting point for this chart. 6/11
So you have what we will call the big 'cores' of the chart. What you get to know first.

The masculine, the feminine, the neutral. Solarian, Lunarian, Stellarian.

When combined with each other, they make other suitably named genders. With all combined being Galaxian. 7/11
And then you have somewhere off from the main cores a place for those that don't fit in with them (since some non-binary people would still feel would be restricting, and perhaps somewhat of a trinary). The Singularians.

And then the demi-modifiers in each main core. 8/11
So that seems pretty inclusive already, right? Like it... could cover nearly every non-binary person? Maybe even all of them!

But that chart I posted at the start of this thread, it had WAY more symbols, WAY more intersections. 9/11
My friends, its not just one galaxy of genders. It's a whole GALAXY of galaxies. It's open to the universe of possibility as vast and splendid and unexplored as our very own! And it's just as unmapped too, and has just as many planets most don't know of that ARE documented. 10/11
So, that's the basic building blocks of this system! This little galaxy you've observed (you cool gender astronomer)

I'll be going into more detail about that tweet 1 chart and posting flags + descriptions, but this is what I'd like everyone to know, so thanks for reading! 11/11
NOTE: if male-aligned and woman-aligned work for you as terms, it's perfectly fine to have your understanding of these terms include that!!

likewise, as I said above, there's a lot of expansion that can (& most likely will) happen, so get creative for yourself here if you want!
Ok, so back to these friendly circles. There's a lot going on here, with quite a few of the genders we've briefly gone over, but no names? What's going on?

Luckily for us, the flags for each have the symbols, so lets start The Cores And Co. and go from there. 1/19
NOTE: there are multiple variations of flags, there is no One True Flag, so use whatever you like for a term!

I'll be using what I've seen most commonly; that have info with them I'll be going off of to make my own notes, that I hope are less restrictive than some other texts.
NOTE 2 (electric boogaloo): When these terms get referred to as gender (or gender matters), I'm not just talking about gender identity.

These go beyond just that, this can be for a non-binary person's gender presentation, expression, or just a simple alignment (but not identity)
NOTE 3: while these were all created with non-binary people in mind, with it's goal being a disconnect from the binary... I think it should at least include those of us that don't identify as binary OR non-binary. And at most...include anyone who wants to Get Away From The Binary


With the traits commonly associated with the sun by many cultures, all those who have a relationship with masculinity - and (SOMETIMES) manhood - fall under it as Solarians. 2/19


With the traits commonly associated with the moon by many cultures, all those who have a relationship with femininity - and (SOMETIMES) womanhood - fall under it as Lunarians. 3/19


Just like the near endless stars that dot the sky- in all of their unique brilliance- Stellarians find themselves not taking from what the Sun or Moon can offer (either willingly or not). They are those that are best described as neutral in gender matters. 4/19


Much like the ethereal magnificence that is the flowing Borealis Lights, Aurorians find themselves moving between different terms that fall under the Galactian System. How their lights change can be fast, slow, unpredicatable, but always beautiful. 5/19


Singularians do not connect with anything in the galactian system. Not the stars, sun, or moon. They are devoid of any gendered touch. Yet these voids can still appears within some galaxies, perhaps like a blackhole? An anomaly? Or something else entirely? 6/19


Not connected to just the Sun (and finding themselves to be Solarians), Dawnians are those that draw from both it and either another cosmic force (or something entirely different) when it comes to their gender matters. 7/19


Not connected to just the Moon (and finding themselves to be Lunarians), Duskians are those that draw from both it and either another cosmic force (or something entirely different) when it comes to their gender matters. 8/19


Not connected to just the Many Stars (and finding themselves to be Stellarians), Celestians are those that draw from both it and either another cosmic force (or something entirely different) when it comes to their gender matters. 9/19


Connected to both the Sun and the Moon, Eclipsians are the breath-taking cosmic event of when those two meet (no matter if one's influence is greater, or they're equal) that creates something new from what we know. 10/19


Connected to both the Sun and the Stars, Novarians embrace the best of both when those two bright cosmic forces meet (no matter if one's influence is greater, or they're equal) that creates something new. 11/19


Connected to both the Moon and the Stars, Nebularians embrace the best of both when those two mystical cosmic forces meet (no matter if one's influence is greater, or they're equal) that creates something new. 12/19


Sometimes, when you look up, you can see the Sun, The Moon, and The Stars. This is what a Galaxian is. Someone that is all of the essentials that make up their own galaxy, no matter what quantity those separate parts may come in. 13/19


Connected to both the Sun and the Moon, Twilightians could be mistaken for Eclipsians, if they weren't also connected to something else within the universe. It can be another cosmic force (or something entirely different) concerning their gender matters. 14/19


Connected to both the Sun and the Stars, Solstians could be mistaken for Novarians, if they weren't also connected to something else within the universe. It can be another cosmic force (or something entirely different) concerning their gender matters. 15/19


Connected to both the Moon and the Stars, Solstians could be mistaken for Nebularians, if they weren't also connected to something else within the universe. It can be another cosmic force (or something entirely different) concerning their gender matters. 16/19


Connected to the Sun, Moon, and Stars, Solstians could be mistaken for Galaxians, if they weren't also connected to something else within the universe. It can be another cosmic force (or something entirely different) concerning their gender matters. 17/19


A lot of galactian terms use the concept behind Xenic. What is it?

"people whose gender is aligned to something that doesn't fit the Western HUMAN binary of gender alignments."

Basically it's an intersection of non-binary and otherkin! 18/19
FROM THIS POINT ON all galactian terms I'll be giving will be Xenic in nature. For all those who's gender alignment aren't female, male, etc., but instead aligned with things like animals, plants, things, concepts.

So this concludes this section of the thread! TY ALL!! 19/19
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