Kindly Boycott All Khan's, Bansali's, Dharma's Naidudwala and other anti Nationl production house of Bollywood.

Why ?


If you spend Rs 300/- on their movies certainly you are spending Rs 150/- to increase t€ππoπi$m in India.


Maximum bollywood flims are being funded & produced by the enemies of our country sitting in middle East
Remember the flim PK,The way Amir Khan did the mockery with the hindu deities had it being done by Aamir Khan in a Islamic country mocking Allaha he would have being hanged publicly,but what we did we made the flim a super duper hit and helped him earning 500 crores of rupees👍
Please recall 2 flims released in the same year

(Biopic based on real facts)

1 Sanju,the biopic of a dπug adicts,underworld don and a womeniser S@nj@y Dutt

2. Soorma,the biopic of a legendry hocky player Diljit Dosanjh.

Many of us didn't heard abt Soomra & Daljit Dosanjh
Sanju did extremly well in box office and earned 300 crores.what the flim sanju taught us how a underworld don did sex with 300 women,how he became a potent dπug adicts.
What the flim Soorma reflects the dedication and struggle of a legendry hocky player but the flim Soomra could not exceeds 25 crores even in the box office

for both the case only we are the responsible
Now Comming to the point as I told earlier in this post all of their flims are funded/sponsored by our enemies sitting in Middle East. They financed the film's & took the lion share of profits out of these and sponsored the terrorism in India through Pakistan.
Just think deeply and logically how a poor state like Pakistan which is unable to provide 2 times meals (Do bakt ki roti) to its citizens how could this same Pakistan sponsored proxy terrorism in Kashmir and rest of India??
Its none other thn the financer of Middle East doing it through our money only.

So it is up to you now whether to boycott those flims or not.

Thnx. 🙏🙏
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