Boudicca appreciation post for our celtic warrior QUEEN (might make this into a thread of historical/mythical warrior women because I just love them so much)
alright next up is my FAVE, Joan of Arc, who defended France from the British and eventually was burnt at the stake for heresy, despite being a devout Catholic. she's now been canonized as a catholic saint.
realized I didn't explain who Boudicca was--she was a Celtic queen who led her people in resistance against the expansion of the Roman empire. though they failed, she is recognized as a hero in Celtic and British folklore.
Khawla bint al Azwar, a Muslim warrior who fought alongside Muhammed in the early days of Islam. She led battles that helped conquer Palestine and was known as "the Black Hood Warrior". She's considered one of the greatest female military leaders in history.
Khutulun, a Mongol warrior princess who was noted by Marco Polo during his travels for her fighting abilities and experience. She said that she would only marry a man who could defeat her in hand to hand combat. She was both a military and political ally to her father, a khan.
Sarraounia Mangou, a leader of a group of the Hausa people, who led her people in resistance against the French colonial forces. The French eventually gave up fighting her and her armies.
Triệu Thị Trinh, a Vietnamese warrior who resisted the Chinese occupation of Vietnam in the third century. The Chinese at first doubted her because she was a woman, but they grew to fear her and her armies, reportedly because of her fearsome gaze.
BĂ­awacheeitchish, which in English means Woman Chief (her birth name is unknown), a two-spirit chief of the Crow people. She was a warrior who fought in multiple raids against European colonization of her land; colonizers compared her to a greek Amazon.She also had four wives!
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