♦️The ‘Crore Commanders’ of #Pakistan Army♦️

It has been 2 years since the #ImranKhan government came into power. With the cricketer turned politician being the military chosen one, he has been highly unsuccessful in bringing any positive change in #Pakistan.

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#PakistanArmy controls everything in #Pakistan and in these 2 years it has grown stronger. Example of the same is the undisclosed & unexplained wealth of wife & sons of former Corps Commander Quetta & current Chairman of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Lt Gen Asim Bajwa and his family in over the years have amass businesses, properties & assets worth millions in both #Pakistan & abroad. The scandal is completely blanked out from the mainstream media of #Pakistan as if it never happened.

Though after an investigative report, Gen Bajwa resigned as special advisor to the #Pakistani PM Imran Khan but he still holds the more lucrative appointment of Chairmen of the CPEC authority. In #Pakistan scandals involving the top military officers is a common issue.

Generals, serving & retired have been involved in taking handouts from foreign potentates, taking up jobs in foreign companies, getting employed by local businessmen to peddle influence & helping their family members to do dodgy deals.

Over the last two decades, there are many number of serious scandals involving people at the very top of the #Pakistan Army’s food chain.The former military dictator Gen Pervez Musharraf took millions of dollars from the Saudi king to buy apartments in Dubai & London.

Another former Army Chief Pervez Kayani, was alleged to have protected shady land deals by his brothers while he was in office.

In “The Battle for Pakistan” author Shuja Nawaz mentions rumors about Kayani building up a huge real estate portfolio. Kayani’s successor Raheel Sharif got himself 90 acres of agricultural land worth anything between 200 to 400 Crores allotted near the border with #India.

Although some legislators questioned this land transfer, the military defended it as having been made according to procedure. Raheel also landed himself with a post retirement job as head of a new international force that the Saudis had formed raising eyebrows in #Pakistan.

The former ISI chief and ‘super patriot’ Ahmad Shuja Pasha took up a job in Dubai after retirement and got ex-post facto clearance for it after the Supreme Court raised questions over how he & Raheel could take up these jobs without government clearance.

With influence of #PakistanArmy in virtually every sphere of national life, businesses in the country. Business have figured that employing generals on fat salaries is the surest way to get work done, obtain clearances, browbeat rivals and even clients.

A former ISI chief along with other 3-star generals were booked for leasing the land of #Pakistan Railways on throwaway price for a golf club in Lahore. Despite references being filed in the case there has been no movement for years.

In another incident, 3 former generals of the #PakistanArmy lost around 200 crore by investing funds of the National Logistics Cell (NLC) in the stock market in exchange of commissions & kickbacks.

While the 3-star generals were let off by a military court, the 2-star general was ‘dismissed from service’. Incidentally, since all 3 had retired long back so as to safe them from civilian court, they were taken back in the army so they could be tried by a military court.
For the generals,a posting in the troubled #Balochistan province or in the commercial capital Karachi is an opportunity to make a killing – literally & financially. In 2016 many #Pakistani officers including a 3-star & a 2-star general were sacked on charges of corruption.
The 3-star general, Obaidullah Khattak, was alleged to have made Rs 1500 Crores in his three years as Inspector General of the Frontier Corps (IGFC). His successor, Maj. Gen. Ejaz Shahid was made to deposit Rs 5 Crores with the GHQ as punishment.
Obviously this amount was a fraction of the money the general made as IGFC.Generals in #Balochistan are involved in drug smuggling – Ejaz Shahid had bought a non-custom duty fancy sports car for his son & it was an accident of this car that blew the whole scam in public.
Incidentally, the news of the action taken against the officers was released to the public by none other than the man who is today being accused of having amassed an unexplained fortune not commensurate with his known sources of income – Lt. Gen. Asim Bajwa.
Every Corps Commander in #Pakistan is an overnight stock market genius. Top stock market players offer to invest money for a new Corps Commander. Within months the money starts to grow exponentially & by the time the tenure ends,the general is a billionaire.
The greed of the generals & other officers is despite the fact that they receive fabulous benefits throughout their careers & at retirement.
In her book ‘Military Inc.’, Pakistani author Ayesha Siddiqa has estimated that the market value of properties belonging to senior generals is anywhere between Rs 15-40 Crores.This is when they don’t do any corruption at all.
But greed being limitless, the #Pakistan Army wants to have a finger in every pie, the latest being the CPEC project which the military and its generals see as a cash cow to further institutional & individual interests.
As the wags in #Pakistan often say, if it were left to the generals, whom they refer to as real estate agents.They would even extend their lucrative Defence Housing Authority (DHA) Schemes beyond the border with #India.
#Pakistan is the new Las Vegas for these ‘Crore Commanders’. With the destiny of the people of #Pakistan in the hands of these generals, we would extend our gratitude towards Raja Hari Singh for taking the right decision of agreeing with #India.

Credits: ORF
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