#CLST6 For this #RR9 post, I will be focusing on the first public monument to appear, near the middle of the open square, called the Altar of the Twelve Gods (image below). The monument has marble base for a bronze statue dedicating “twelve gods”. It served as the center of ...
the city of ancient Athens. Additionally, it became the zero point that the Athenians used to measure distances where everything was radiated out from this altar, so constructing this was a sign that the center of Athens had now changed to this new Agora that was being ...
developed in the late archaic period. Furthermore, there was not a whole during this period, prior to 480 B.C., and there are recurring debates over which structures were here before the Persian destructions.
- Dibble, "The Athenian Agora" (Video Lecture)
- Camp, John. 'The Athenian Agora' (2003), p. 9.
- Image 1: Ibid.
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