4. "Well we're all a little autistic aren't we."

Usually stated as fact, this can really diminish our experience and can be really damaging as we may feel we're over exaggerating our struggles. Please don't say this.
5. "Oh I'm so sorry."

No no no, we mostly don't need to be consoled or grieved for. That can makes us feel like we're lesser, somehow.
6. "My nephew's autistic and you're nothing like him."

Well obviously, given we're two distinct, unrelated humans. Autism is not so monolithic that this could ever be a reasonable utterance.
7. "I bet you're great at maths/science/trains."

Again this is a stereotype and is nowhere near accurate enough to be worthwhile. Autistic people have a total range of skills and interests.
8. "What's your superpower?"

I get the impulse, but not all autistic people have things they're unusually good at. Suggesting we do is a bit rude and tactless.
9. "It's not a disability! You can do anything! Be strong!"

It's a bit patronising, isn't it? And many of us, myself included, do view it as a disability and that has to be respected.
10. "You're not though, you're just pretending to get internet sympathy."

It happens - some people actually accuse autistic people of this. Not.ok.
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