— Turned 31 today —

Here are 31 life lessons.

Philosophy, virtues, values — Distilled.

Learn from my mistakes.

So you can spend your time winning.

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Protect your integrity at all costs.

Stand by your ideas and your people.

Once you compromise on your integrity,

You cheat the world and yourself.

Without integrity, everything falters.

No one will believe you.

Not even yourself.

Find your purpose.

Light up the fire in your eyes.

Let your purpose guide your life.

• Conceive
• Believe
• Achieve

Don’t waste your life just walking to the grave.

Your purpose must be so strong it pulls you out of the bed.

Healthier food, better life.

Eat for today, not tomorrow.

Eat natural food, not packaged food.

@Caesar_VICI and @EsoTherapist will teach you the right way to eat.

Airplanes aren’t meant to stay grounded.

You aren’t born to sit on the couch.

Get moving.

The fitter you are, the more you enjoy life.

Learn how to optimise your movements from @thehdmovement

Confidence without competence is delusion.

Always work on your competence to become self-reliant.

Avoid putting yourself in a position where you depend on anyone to live your life.

The ability to live your life without fear or favour is the true freedom.

Develop systems for your life.

Willpower is overrated.

Instil routines and discipline to make productive work automatic.

Orchestrate your life to win.

Don’t work against yourself.

Don’t put yourself on the uphill battle you can avoid with a structured system.

Be passionate.

Find the one thing that will lit fire in your eyes.

A man without his passion is an engine with no fuel.

Expose yourself to different skills.

Be great at one.

The better you become at a skill,

The more passionate you’ll be.

Choose your friends wisely.

Your time on earth is limited.

Be very picky about who you spend it with.

Never underestimate the power of osmosis.

If you hang out with 7 winners, you’ll be the 8th.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to appreciate your parents.

The day you stop blaming your parents,

It’s the day you become your own person.

Love your parents,

But be free of their expectations and criticisms.

Live free.

Feed your passion and purpose with discipline.

Anyone can have a grand vision.

Anyone can talk a big talk.

Only those with discipline can bring their dreams to life.

Make discipline your superpower.

Find people you can trust your back with.

Then defend them no matter how hard the struggle.

Never intend to hurt anyone.

But never let your guard down completely.

Trust is essential for long-lasting relationships.

But it must be earned.

Don’t give trust away cheaply.

“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”

— Franklin D. Roosevelt

A blunt sword is useless.

Just as the man who learnt nothing from his mistakes.

You don’t want to just fail.

You want to learn from every mistake.

A warrior doesn’t seek defeat.

But when he falls,

He learns to get up a stronger man.

Money is a means that give you freedom.

2 rules of money:

Don't save for today.
Save for tomorrow.

Don't invest for today.
Grow money for tomorrow.

When you have a purpose, desire isn’t enough.

You have to be obsessed with your goals.

Everything that you do has to be devoted into bring your vision into life.

You can’t achieve greatness by doing the bare minimum.

Obsession is a sword you use to cut through the noise.

Don’t fear the work.

Fear not living on your own terms.

Be honest.

Be honest to others.

Be honest to yourself.

Be honest to your craft.

Honesty is expensive.

Don’t expect it from cheap people.

Don’t be cheap.

Kindness is not weakness.

Be firm.

Be grounded.

Don’t be afraid to be kind.

Power belongs to the gentleman who can strike but choose not to.

Your life is made up of what you pay attention to.

Don’t focus on the destructive.

Eyes on the target.

Your attention must be stronger than your distractions.

You will never be the hero of your own story if you’re always playing victim.

Have a sense of humour.

If you get offended by a joke, look for the “why”.

A purposeful life takes hard work.

Knowing when to laugh makes the journey enjoyable and sustainable.

You are defined by your actions and inactions.

Not your words.

Not your dreams.

Nothing is worth selling your soul for.


Anyone can sell their soul.

Not everyone can keep it.

Guard your time.

You can’t have your time back.

Fight against wasted time with all your might.

Don’t reason with the unreasonable.

Don’t employ logic with the insensible.

Don’t waste time on useless debates.

People only want the truth that fit their convenience.

Truth only matters to those who can take it.

A true king relentless empathy.

He doesn’t look down or up at anyone.

He sees things from their eyes.

Empathy is when people say something stupid,

And you look at them with deep curiosity.

If you can deconstruct a skill.

You can learn it.

If you can learn any skill.

You can do anything.

Keep learning.

If you can soak in the wisdom of the warriors in @C8ntral and @deepthrill.

You have quite enough to do something great.

Your problems will never be your solutions.

Stop hoping.

Find another way when you’re stuck.

There’s always a way.

Rise above the 7 deadly sins.

Integrity — not lust

Sacrifice — not gluttony

Growth — not greed

Competence — not envy

Humility — not pride

Power — Not sloth

Transcendence — Not wrath

Embrace the past.

Live in the present.

Shape your future.

Be here, now.
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