Over the summer I quietly yet proudly entered my 15th year of service.

I was reminiscing & wondering how much I’ve changed. Obviously my custodians are different & my beard is certainly greyer, but I remember walking through the doors like it was yesterday and much more besides.
I remember the 1st time I was in a public disorder incident and being more scared of letting my colleagues down than of being hurt myself.

That feeling of nervousness has never really gone away but neither has the reassurance of knowing your colleagues always have your back.
I remember the times I’ve been assaulted, as have at least 99% of my colleagues, I’m sure.

If anything, it feels as though this is getting more frequent.

I personally find that the constant videos and footage of assaults has begun to bother me more than any injuries have.
I remember feeling pride when I 1st stepped out in uniform & (if honest) checking myself out in shop windows on patrol.

This pride is wonderfully magnified when remembering the amazing moments in our history that I’ve been lucky to support, such as State events & the Olympics
I remember all the various teams I’ve been blessed to work on and wonderful colleagues I’ve worked with.

I especially remember those that are no longer with us and who paid the ultimate price to serve their communities. We really do stand on the shoulders of giants...
I remember the victims that I’ve tried to help, the 1st Aid I’ve administered and the tragic occasions where there was nothing I could do.

But I also remember the kindnesses of my colleagues, friends and family being there for me when my best wasn’t enough.
I remember the times when I’ve watched my colleagues excelling at their craft. Colleagues literally saving & changing lives, inspiring others, knowing what to say, what not to say, and when.

I’ve seen the best of humanity on so many more occasions than I’ve seen the worst...
I know that despite what appears to be a shift towards negativity and uncertainty, I remain proud to be a part of the community I serve and I know that we’ll keep working together, all of us, to make the next 15 years as fantastic as the last...
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